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Badass Bunny


Badass Bunny

Bad Buddy thai drama review
Bad Buddy
7 people found this review helpful
by Badass Bunny
Jan 22, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

The series that breaks all the LGBT stereotypes in filmography

So, I have been following the director's work for a while and honestly, at the beginning I was spooked that he would be directing this series, because if you know him as long as I have, you know that he has done some series that were not done pretty well - at least in my eyes.

But than the concept trailer came out after New Year and I was hooked on the story since the release and I had been waiting for it to drop for like centuries. I may be different from other people - since majority didn't enjoy the concept trailer and feared the drama, while I on the other hand loved the concept trailer and wanted the drama right away.

I really won't be writing about the plot of this drama, since you can read about it on here, but I really wanna point out why the rating is so high and deserves to be high.

The thing that first attracts me with any drama/movie is the acting and with this I knew beforehand that I would be pleased, because Ohm showed everything he could in the movie Dew - it was spectacular. With Nanon, I saw glimpses of his acting only - from teasers and trailers, but I also knew he was super capable and I was right. The dynamics these two have is just over the roof. The script was written as if for them, because they embraces the roles as if they were strictly made for them. I love that the director gave them space to improvise and usually you know how good the actor is based on improvisation and in this case - it helped the plot a lot.

Secondly, the whole relationship dynamic was done perfectly, because they didn't just get together out of nowhere, we got to see that both had the feeling of love in them, but it was suppressed by other people, which is new. Honestly, in a lot of LGBT dramas where there is some issue with other people, the couple decides to selfishly just focus on themselves and give flying F about others, but these two reacted in more realistic way for the culture they were raised in.

Thirdly, I see a lot of people saying that this series has won the hearts of many because of the skinship - which in my eyes is a total bullshit, because the actors only showed how majority of relationships work. I can name quite a lot of dramas where it is clear as a day that the director and whole crew makes money out of skinship (purposely making few kisses or ending an episode with a kiss to put emphasis on how special it is~). Honestly, kissing and touching is normal and favored in a lot of relationships, and the way this director put them in the show was so so unforced and natural that I was in awe - also the actors improvised a lot of kisses as well.

Lastly, the biggest stereotype this series has broken is for sure the uke/seme one, which I always hated. If people just looked at statistics they would know that a big percentage of LGBT community switch in sexual relations, okay? And I loved that they showed this in this series, because believe or not, this is the first. First in the Asian LGBT cinematography and that says a LOT! Yes, it is up to the couple how they want their sexual life to go, but come on! Who would believe that ALL those couples in those LGBT dramas do not switch and are strictly top or bottom!

In terms of music, I loved Nanon's songs, but I did quite miss the Tily Birds songs which were hinted from the concept trailer. Yeah, it did make a small appearance, but I want moreeeeeeeeee.
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