The movie will make you smile and cry. One of the best melodramas. The love between chul min and Jeong hwa is heartwarming. The moment when he breaks knowing the truth and the moment she breaks when she knows the truth are well made. Emotions played a great role in this movie. Especially in the second part, i didn't see a dialogue. Everything i remember is their emotions and the suitable music. The music is extraordinary. It represented their emotions accordingly. If you like love stories, you should definitely watch it.
I have watched the movie since it was top in my favorite genre. It was really a good movie. My favorite character is the kid So mi . her acting was the best. the scene where she realizes the truth about her mother made me cry. Ramrowan is a good choice and made a good character. Though the climax twist is obvious and expected. the fight scenes were insane. I loved how they didnt drag the story in most parts. like they didnt drag the flashback and climax twist . it was a good thriller.