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Why do you want to know?


Why do you want to know?
SOTUS S thai drama review
0 people found this review helpful
by Cupcake
Jun 13, 2022
13 of 13 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

If you love Sotus, you'll love this even more!

I can see why so many people loved the Sotus series. I loved the gentle, slow plot. I've heard a lot of people say it is a more realistic bl, and I agree. There was no over-the-top plot, no crazy jealous exes, no screeching fangirls, etc. The romance was subtle too. Though there weren't any love scenes, there was a lot of fluff and small romantic gestures that are easily overlooked. Quite a few people say that it's unrealistic because Arthit and Kong don't have an intimate relationship after dating for two years, but I disagree. If you pay attention to the dialogue, there are a few instances where they hint at having an intimate relationship. It just wasn't shown on screen, which isn't surprising seeing as it's a 2017 bl. I love that they had a lot of focus on work-life and problem solving as well. 

Now for the negatives. The biggest thing I dislike was that P'Durian didn't really face any sort of backlash for leaking those photos. What she did had the potential to ruin relationships. Seeing that it was a company chat and she was HIGHLY unprofessional, she should have gotten a talking to in the LEAST. The only other negative for me is that the side characters from the first season didn't get a lot of screen time. Nai and Yong's relationship was kinda unneeded, I would have preferred if they spent that time growing M and Mays's relationship, or giving the former hazers more screen time.

Overall, I absolutely loved this season. Even though we have a lot of bls that are better than the Sotus series plot-wise, this show is a really amazing bl classic. It's legendary, and it holds a special place in my heart.
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