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In the mountains


In the mountains
Local Hero korean drama review
Local Hero
3 people found this review helpful
by Elisa
Feb 13, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
I don't get why this drama has that much of disappointed comments. I thought it was good, of course not the best but good! I think it's even better than lot of applauded drama of these days ^-^ Story: the story is quite classical of some parts -especially the end- are cliché, but it still is nice. You get surprised in every episode by something. Acting/cast : not exceptional but they still played good. Beautiful actors. I had already seen in The K2 the guy who plays here the policeman, but I hadn't really liked the way he acted. This drama made me like him more. Of course their smile/mimics can get a bit annoying after 16 episodes but it's quite normal in dramas haha Music... Ah, the music... This is the best point about this drama. A big part of the plot is played in a bar so of course the music choice is large. But for action and everything, there was great music. Sometimes they used the same one again, sometimes it was a new music for only one action. But honestly, this drama was a pleasure to watch especially thanks to the music! Rewatch value: well, once you know the plot, of course it gets less interesting, but I know I'll probably re watch it in a few month. Even if only for the music or the way it is filmed (because it is greatly well filmed!) So I really enjoyed this drama. I had been in a little hole, not knowing what to watch next as I though I had already watched everything related to this thema and dropping countless drama. But I really liked this one. I can understand that some people can get bored, especially in the first two episode, but it wasn't my case. It's certainly a bit too much long, but a lot of drama are like that nowadays. My opinion: go watch it! Don't drop it after only the two first episode. You have to let the plot get installed. (Sorry for my bad English u_u)
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