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Why Why Love
20 people found this review helpful
Jun 22, 2011
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Wahh...i gave it a full 10 since this was the best drama i`ve watched till now. Story - was great, i loved it how it went from the beginning to end, through sillines, anger, happiness, sadness, friendship, love and family bonds. it didn`t focused only on the main couple but more characters and that`s why it didn`t bring boredness. Acting/Cast - what more can i say? since it was the trio Mike - Rainie - Kingone i just fell in love with their acting. It was way better than "Devil Beside You". Mike and Rainie have the best chemistry going on ever, i never liked 2 lead characters so much, even though i saw other dramas with Rainie in main role if not with Mike it doesn`t fell right (i really wish to see more dramas with those 2 in main roles). One of the best parts of this drama was after the ending of more than a half of episodes there was making the scene, and got to see how they filmed some of the scenes and had fun together. What really surprised me was how Kingone was acting silly and had fun, i thought that he is more of a serious person but this part was better. Seeing them like that was very refreshing. So i`m going to stop now. I really love them so i still have more to say but i`ll dare you to watch it so you`ll see what i mean. Music - i liked it too and it fit in well. If you like this kind of dramas you better watch it if not you don`t know what you`ll miss.

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7 people found this review helpful
Jun 12, 2011
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
It wasn`t all that great, after i read so many mangas with the same theme i was having high expectation, i liked the music - it was great, the acting - not that bad but i didn`t feel the emotions and no chemistry. All that i felt clearly from it it was like i was watching some kind of parody and honestly i really dislike parodies. Still i liked it because the story was good and i liked the performance of those 3 girls. I wish there were more romance even if it was a light romance just to fill in it would`ve been great, not like how it was. Overall i still gave it a 7 for the hard work and funny moments that made me watch it till the end.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jul 18, 2011
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Only one word: SAIKOU!!!! and unlike Filo said i did watch it because of the cover since to me it didn`t looked gay and because of her review. i liked the stars on their costumes :P and of course the fact that they were all guys(good looking ones too :P). But this was one of the best dramas i`ve watched, even tough i`m more on comedy-romance dramas and i`ve only watched those with this one i fell in love at first sight.

The story - is great; ever since watching anime i`ve allways loved and admired guy`s bonds and loyalty towards friendship. I feel like they are more pure and honest than the girls. The fighting and the tumbling scenes where also good you can feel their feelings through them too. Acting/Cast - i liked the cast it really fit with the whole story and each of them played really good. The Music - it matched all the feelings they showed. I`m not the type to re-watch dramas but i have a feeling that this one i will. At the end i definitely recommend this to you guys.It`s a MUST see!! ^___^

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Tokyo Juliet
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2011
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
Ok first of all i have to sadly admit that even though i like Wu Chun a lot, through this hole drama i`ve felt that this role was meant for Mike He, the hair style too of course.

First i`ll say what i didn`t like about this drama and then what i like. Beside the main role that i mentioned i don`t think the title fits the story and that it has no relation at all with the tragedy Romeo & Juliet. I don`t really see any reasonable reason why they can`t be together till Sui`s competition against Chu Xing in the last episodes. And the thing i personally felt that was exaggerated was that almost all the guys around Sui fell for her and tried to break her and Liang apart same goes for the girls who fell for Liang (wouldn`t have been enough 1 or 2). This is all :P

Now for what i liked goes like this. The story is unique and out of the usual story line. It`s the first drama that made me anxious in watching the next ep but still impatient for watching it. This was what makes it special. The cast acted great and Ariel and Wu Chun had good chemistry going on there (and i`m not contradicting myself what i said first is true even though Wu Chun played well his role, i had the feeling Mike He would fit better). The side characters where good too and i liked them they where all funny. The music was really good too, especially the op song was really good.

It`s a shame i didn`t watch it earlier (because of the title i thought it`s going to be more like a tragedy and tearjerker so it was hard to bring myself to watch it). Don`t make the same mistake as i did. Just watch it, you won`t regret. Even if it`s an old drama it sure doen`t feel like it! Enjoy!

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Miss No Good
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 13, 2011
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
wahh...from all the reviews on this drama, be it on this site or others it seems that not many people liked it. But i did. Why? many of you said Rainie`s voice in this drama was bad, her acting too, i didn`t felt this way, i actually liked her and acting like that i`m sure it wasn`t easy. It was something different from usual so it`s not bad. I felt that the dramas i`ve saw before all had something in common but not this one. At first i wasn`t sure if i`ll like it but i still gave it a try. For those who said that her voice was too high pitched i`m telling you to watch "Fated To Love You"; now this drama really had high pitched voices and fells really noisy (but it`s not a bad one).

Now about the story - it was a good one, not that complicated, funny, a bit strange with silly things but good and not too long with dragging on the story. What i didn`t liked are the last 5min of the show, i hoped of a little different ending. Acting/Cast - all of them played their roles great and the cast was great. Even though i`m used to see Rainie play with Mike He, this time acting with Pan Wilber he showed us a different Rainie a cute and silly one and they had good chemistry. Pan Wilber was really good in this drama (hope i can see more with him) and i think his kissing technique was one of the best. Music - kinda poor but not bad. Maybe when i`ll be bored i`ll re-watch it. So overall i gave it a 9 since i had fun watching and wasn`t bored at all.

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Witch Yoo Hee
4 people found this review helpful
Sep 18, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
Wahhh...not that bad as i expected it to be :P so you should try watch it when bored - i recommend it ^__^

Even tough it`s not that special of a drama but still i feel like this is rather underrated.

So my opinion: Story - pretty good, interesting, funny & exciting, well i liked the idea of 3 guys liking 1 girl and i especially enjoyed when Johnny & Moo Ryong are together spying on Yoo Hee...really funny and the part where Moo Ryong lives with Yoo Hee. Ah... the cooking skills in the show where a great idea really captures ones attention.

Acting/cast - i liked the cast they fit their roles well as for the acting i think there should be some improvements here and there but it was`n bad. Between Moo Ryong & Yoo Hee there was definitely chemistry but not enough.

The Music - was exceptionally good 1 of the best points of the drama. For re-watching(i don`t usually re-watch dramas) - maybe :P

So Overall - i gave it a 9 since i didn`t got bored watching it and loved the story.

The 2nd best point in this drama where the earrings Yoo Hee(especially her) and the other girls where wearing(they where standing out xD) - i really loved them all xD

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It Started with a Kiss
2 people found this review helpful
May 28, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
In comparison with Playfull Kiss(korean) this version laks a few points in acting and has too many episodes and frankly the ones that i enjoied the most are the last ones and especially the wedding it was great(as in really really fun)i couldn`t stop from laughing.But since i enjoied the story as much as the other one i can say that there is a big difference and i found it to be a good point in changing the story a bit(if you`ll watch you`ll get what i mean)so i didn`t really get bored at the first eps.And the other thing i really enjoied was Zhi Shu`s attitude towards Xiang Quin, it was quite a feast to watch.I really liked the music but since it has so many eps i believe that there should`ve been more songs.

Should i say that i watched all 30 eps without pause? :P

Have fun watching, i sure did!

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Itazura na Kiss
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2011
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
since i allready saw the other 2 version of it this one did not reach my expectations. the story was way too compressed in those 9 eps, and since it didn`t follow the pattern it could`ve been better if they adjusted it so it will fit for 9 eps. it was funny allright but that`s all. i didn`t really like the acting, it was ordinary but Kotoko was way too noisy (as in too loud) i mean, why did she have to yell every single time?it was disturbing, i know that it`s her nature to make a fuss over anything but this kind of Kotoko was anoying even for me.they should`ve worked harder at it.

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They Kiss Again
1 people found this review helpful
May 30, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
WOOOW!What can i say? if the first season didn`t impress me that much the second sure did.I liked everything about it.It wasn`t too long, the story definitely improved and the acting too.There are really funny moments as well as sad ones and the romantic ones really moved me, made me think of my lover.Maybe the reason i liked it that much is because it revolves around the main couple and there are going on so many and unpredictable things.

It sure is worth watching!!!

Have fun! ^__^
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Ongoing 12/13
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 19, 2011
12 of 13 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
Totally loved the story and the actors. it was fun and touching at the same time. i first saw Wang Dong playing in "It Started with a Kiss" and "They Kiss Again" and even though he wasn`t the lead character i really liked him so this is the first time i see him in the main role and i was mesmerized by him. and yeah i agree that he was better than Rainie since she doesn`t really suits quiet type girl roles, i really love her smile the best and her long hair so this role it wasn`t really an advantage, but her acting was good even so. the music was great too. for the re-watch value i only gave an 8 since i don`t know if i`ll re-watch it because since now i never felt the urge to re-watch any drama i`ve seen even though some were totally exceptional, not my style. and it`s really worth watching ^___^

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Mary Stayed Out All Night
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 17, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
The story - wasn`t that bad and it was interesting but there were a few boring eps they could`ve made it more appealing. Acting/Cast - well i felt like the cast was great and fit the whole story but they lacked chemistry between the characters and i felt like Kim Jae Wook/Jung In`s character was kinda plain and not strong enough. The Music - was definitely the best we all know why - Jang Geun Suk - and only because of him i didn`t drop the drama which btw it took me 3 days to finish and i usually finish a drama of 16 eps in 1 day (but of course it has to be a good one). I usually don`t re-watch dramas and of course this one i surely won`t.

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