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Beyond the Star thai drama review
Beyond the Star
0 people found this review helpful
by LadyWolf
17 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

What a disappointment... :(

I so thought this was going to be pretty good watch, boy was I wrong on that, There were just so many things in this that did not help.

1st. It was to short of a series, there was no time in this to really make it shine. That is just sad because this could have been a really good series. You had so much crammed into this series that there was no time to really do anything that woulf feel "right" I don't think that is the right way I want to say it, but it's all I can think to say right now.

2nd was there were to many couples, now that in general I wouldn't say that is a bad thing, but if you are only going to have 8 episodes in your seies having that many couples is not going to work, plus if you are going to try and make it were brothers fight over someone is not something that should have been there if you have no time to make it believable. I could go more in o more detail about that, but right now I just don't want to.

3rd thing was the two CEOs of both companies. The guy/ass don't care to remember his name should of had his ass handed to him in the end, Araya shoul not had agreed with him, I understand why she wanted the money, but it all just didn't sit well with me.

4th there were to many unanswered questions in this that they just never said anything about.... like Film taking video of Kita and I forgot his name :( what was the point in that? Why do it if nothing is going to become of it? Why have Tonnam take pills but not addressed it after the fact, just say we are there for you and that is it? All better now? What about Kita thinking of Namo from the past like he still wants him, but nothing is there in the end, and having it seem like Namo had no one but Kita when he needed to talk? Please! Oh and what was the point in Mawin hiding the fact he was working? They never said, it made no since for him to hide it, making everyone wonder why he was always late.

There was of things I just don't want to list everything, I just wished this was better then what it was. It's a shame that this had to be like this.
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