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Suddenly at Midnight korean movie review
Suddenly at Midnight
0 people found this review helpful
by Ryokochan
Jul 7, 2022
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

Did it really happen or was it only in her mind?

I just got done watching this on Tubitv and, it was an interesting watch. I really like cinema from the past so, it was interesting watching this movie that came out in the 80s. In the beginning it started with the main character needing some help at home so, the husband brings back someone who was from another town to let her live with them and be a housekeeper also. In the beginning she was happy to have an extra hand to help out but, after a while she started to get paranoid that the housekeeper was having an affair with her husband and, also trying to kill her. When it came to the part about her husband having an affair it felt vague and unreal. I really couldn't tell if he really was or not because, every time she sneaked to catch them in the act it felt surreal. I just couldn't really tell or not? Then she started to get paranoid that Mi-ok was trying to kill her because, when she was outside a flowerpot almost hit her. That was the first attempt to try to kill her and, then the second one was when Mi-ok left the gas on in the kitchen. Was it an accident when she did it? She did say she wanted to live there forever so, I could see that being possible for her to want to kill Seon Hee so, she can always have a place to live. I really like the ending how it showed she went crazy and, the aftermath that was left by it.
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