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Nightless City


Nightless City
The Legendary Life of Queen Lau chinese drama review
The Legendary Life of Queen Lau
1 people found this review helpful
by LuckyGirlGwenIce
Jan 28, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Light-hearted fun and a breezy romance

Let me lead with the cons.

The drama theme is keeping the story and the characters light. So the characters' general actions and reactions tend to be on the easy-going way of things. But this meets some trouble. Because there is a plot, the story and character do encounter some serious events, for which the way the event gets wrapped up too casually. Some of the hurt that might have been endured seem to be brushed off by a carefree explanation. So now, the light drama, starts to get dry in the middle. Because of some uninteresting serious events that you know won't matter in any plot-altering way. So ya, the episodes do get dry in the middle.

That said, the majority of the drama is such a fun watch. We're on to the pros. Most of the episodes have so much comedy, a natural growing romance. The laid back side of the plot that backs up the comedy is not actually a joke and with light good messages tucked in here and there, overall it definitely has its charm. The FL could not have done a better job, she is just so very likeable as a character and so adorable with her acting and such a riot with her performance that she immediately captures attention. She has good chemistry with the ML. They are a bickering yet healthy couple. All the characters including the leads are just cute and funny and you simply cannot hate even one single person. Even the costumes and cinematography with bright, shiny, yet mostly, light colours give a sunny feeling throughout. All around I just laughed and smiled a lot while watching this. Even the soundtrack in the background seemed so peppy. And there's a song with a mini dance sequence, it's very upbeat and you should definitely not miss out on that at least.
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