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Procrastination Zone
Love in the Air thai drama review
Love in the Air
2 people found this review helpful
by RoseQ
Jul 6, 2023
13 of 13 episodes seen
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Can Payu and Prapai really be considered green flags?

I actually quite liked the series. I think the locations and production value are great, the OSTs are beautiful and catchy. The actors did an amazing job portraying their characters and the chemistry between all of them was amazing.

We actually follow two almost separate stories that feel like spin offs of one another. I think we would all benefit from two separate series with an extra episode or two each, because things felt quite rushed at times. There often wasn’t a clear logic in the way scenes followed one another either. And quite a few plot holes or plot choices that make absolutely no sense. What do you mean Rain was afraid of telling Sky that he likes a guy? Sky literally helped him plan how to win over the guy!

Payu & Rain: where to even start? Payu seems to be a bit cold, but very confident and independent. He knows what he wants and goes for it. Rain is… annoying. I don’t know how else to describe him, but he is supposed to be this innocent and overly dumb character. There were a lot of scenes in which I just felt annoyed by him. But at the same, he felt very relatable. When his car breaks down in front of the bar and he is unsure how to react. Every new driver has probably felt that way at one point. Boss and Noeul have great chemistry, there is no denying that. Their NC scenes were done incredibly well and I think that them being comfortable with each other off screen really translated well into the series.

Prapai & Sky: Prapai is sweet, rich and caring. He seems to be less cold than Payu and tends to make his intentions clear early on. Sky is my spirit animal. I absolutely love his character. The sass, the constant snacking, the sarcasm and just generally being done with everyone. He has a horrible past which means he doesn’t really open easily though. Fort and Peat also have an amazing chemistry, they really did great in their NC scenes as well. With their first night together being a mess, I really appreciated how important consent was between the two going forward. Sky always either initiated things or gave consent clearly.

This is based on a MAME novel, so I should have known better than to hope everything will be great and that we will finally get some real green flag characters. Here’s the thing, I don’t mind red flag characters if that is shown clearly. Go be toxic, just be honest about it. We were gaslighted into thinking that both Payu and Prapai are walking green flags when the reality is far from that. From manipulation, stalking, sex coercion and non-consent, forced coming outs… and I could keep going. But most of these were very well hidden in the plot, so they can be easily missed or shown as something romantic. Which is also problematic.

I really want to take a moment to talk about Gun, Sky’s ex. I’m not going to go into what has happened with him as I don’t want to spoil anything, but I was so impressed with Dunk’s acting. It is very hard to make us hate a character as much as he made us hate Gun. And sure, Gun is the villain in the story, but if the villains are not well thought through or portrayed right, I don’t really care much about them. But Gun? I loathed him.

All of the side characters were a lot of fun actually. I really liked Sky’s and Rain’s university friend group. They were a lot of fun, and I was living for Sig doing his best to annoy poor Som. Payu’s boss in the office was interesting too and I really liked their relationship. Don’t even get me started on Chai, Pakin’s right hand man. There was just something about him that demanded attention when he appeared on screen.
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