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Top Secret Together thai drama review
Dropped 8/15
Top Secret Together
1 people found this review helpful
by sjay
Jul 6, 2021
8 of 15 episodes seen
Overall 4.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers


I'm finding this series okay. I'm mainly watching it for Lukmo-Simai and the copy couple. Lukmo and Simai's storyline was the most intense and interesting for me (which makes me want to know what's going to happen to their story). I found the copy couple's storyline simply adorable and couldn't stop watching them.
I skipped all of the other couples for multiple reasons. The basketball couple - didn't have much of a storyline (too short to play is the main thing) and too young for me to watch comfortably. Both-Newyear - I haven't seen any sort of storyline or conflict, all I've seen so far are just lovey-dovey moments (even though it's in the 8th episode. I'm still waiting to see what happens with them. Eak-Phob - This one just doesn't work for me. I tried to keep watching it but, it really just annoyed me.

Thoughts - I personally think this drama would've been better if they didn't have so many couples. Instead, if they just had the main + a side couple with more focus to the plot and development, it could've been a lot better.
Rewatch value - 5/10 Might only watch for the two couples mentioned above.
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