Soapy & Draggy
Be warned, the same song is used a billion times per episode so get used to the Lucky Star song and if you can’t tolerate it, drop the show.The leads were great, plenty of chemistry.
This became more soapy the longer it went and I skipped tonnes just so I could finish. If you can follow it on fast forward, well then it’s obvious it is not the best script ever written.
Lots of plot holes, laughable at times.
Won’t evet rewatch. So go down this road with caution. I think it had a few redeeming moments so I gave it a 5 overall. Thai dramas can be a hard watch, so this was doable but I was ready for it to be done.
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A must watch
Bear with this one, the first handful of episodes are setting everything up and then it just rolls effortlessly.I have no doubts that if you are the type that wants fast paced energy in all your shows with oodles of romance, you just won’t find that here. Approach this show with no expectations and be pleasantly surprised. The cast is fantastic who are for once playing mature roles in a way we rarely see. The character growth for so many of the roles here is evident and nicely done.
The story is heartbreaking from the very beginning in only a way two people torn apart by the cruel restrictions in place between North and South Korea. The scenes from the past are beautiful- even the agonizing ones. So well done.
There is room for this story to have been further developed and the ending (as per usual in dramaland) is rushed. It is however satisfying.
A solid authentic drama that is a real showcase of storytelling at its finest. Give it a chance, you won’t regret it.
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Utter nonsense you somehow love it ??
Utterly ridiculous and stupid but hilarious that it doesn’t even matter that this drama is packed full of cliches and drama tropes because you somehow tolerate it all. Between Baron’s hair(😎🥰) and smoldering gazes, the strange mix of silly and comedy don’t quite mix with the supposedly serious plots of mafia and murder and disappearance of characters- just make sure to leave the comments on and enjoy the watch with others! Its a must. I will say I skipped a good 7 episodes around the half way mark, it got a bit boring and draggy - and I had no care in the world for the whole nana plot - that could have been cut completely. One big plus for this show is the chemistry between the main leads - they were on fire, and the bts at the very end of ep 19 is fun to watch. The soundtrack is whack just like this drama, but if you need something to lift the spirits, this is perfect, just don’t take it too seriously and enjoy this nonsense 🤣🤣🤣Was this review helpful to you?

Best cdrama ever!
Best cdrama ever for romance without the stupid stupid breakups, idiotic manipulative exes, and a FL who isn’t a childish baby voice and actually a nice mature young lady. The chemistry is something else and the kissing scenes plus bonus 😎 are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Of course it wouldn’t be a drama without some stupid drama and I guess the budget didn’t stretch to police uniforms lol because on the couple occasions it called for it, it was nowhere to be seen. However we can excuse this nonsense because the rest of the show is just beautiful. OST & cinematography was fantastic.
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light and fluffy but skippable parts
Overall this was a fairly easy going show, no over dramatics that couldn’t be resolved despite the fact the writers attempted a few cliche efforts at this. When it happened it was pointless and added nothing to the overall development of the plot. The MLs are silly and childish for far too much of the show and often the 2nds just plain show them up - seemingly like the only adults actually acting like adults. The friendship between ML & 2ML is the most satisfying thing about this series and they are adorable and funny. Overall it ended satisfyingly, but I skipped so many scenes that dragged and felt boring to watch. Clean up the writing (needs a major edit, which is kind of funny when this show is about editors and authors 🤣) and we’d have something that trundled along at an engaging pace. Instead we have 36 draggy episodes. One to watch if you need something light and you aren’t irritated by baby voice from FL’s which happens far too often in Cdramas. Not a fan personally- I think strong female leads can ditch the baby voices, pouty faces and childish comments. The 2FL in this show shows how its done, classy, professional independent adult. That is how to portray strong female behavior.Was this review helpful to you?

This review may contain spoilers
Had so much potential to be a 10 star
Things I loved:Music! Incredible- sadly can't seem to find the OST.
Main Lead fantastic, perfectly portrayed the idol star
Chemistry - on one hand this was really great between the main leads.
Character ARC for ML.
Things that took it from a 10 to an 8:
Pacing - this drama could have easily been cut in half. I love that friendship develops first but it dragged and dragged.
Chemistry- there were so many moments that we could have gotten a reaction to their inner feelings of attraction/love but it never came.
First kiss is in one of the last episodes.
FL behavior is ridiculous as the story progresses she becomes more silly. The constant rejection or flinching away was believable in the beginning, as ML is a joker. But once it becomes clear he loves her, she is still doing it
FL kissing is frozen.
This drama would have absolutely killed it had they come together faster, leaned into the great chemistry that the actors had, and more scenes post getting together of working thru the issues of star/manager/voice problems/industry/hostage taking as a proper couple.
The side story of the bestie falling in love with 2ML was easily erasable.
How was it OK for Xu have a relationship but not for the 2ML. So many plot holes.
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Beautiful Secrets, Wonderful Lies
98 episodes of extremely depressing and miserable content. Everyone is lying at some point even the 2 leads who hide information at times. I don’t think we saw any kind of beautiful or wonderful live until the final 2 episodes which means, this show is overvaluing itself lol. Jin Woo is my favourite and his character is hilarious as the show develops.The mothers all need to do one, I don’t think I’ve been as annoyed at 3 grown women as I have in this show. Especially the blomde witch. The writers seemed to be trippin all over the place, logic was thrown out the window. Don’t get me started on the hospital staff, like hello do you do your job or do the relatives do it for you?!!!
I was so frustrated throughout this drama I was about to give it 1 star but I bumped it to 6 for my guy getting a happy ending.
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Literally screamed at the end!!!
WOW, thos show went from extremely mid and quite slow paced to heart racing anxiety. Hard watch as the topic of the main case is a excruciatingly hard for anyone who cares about kids, I’m not gonna say anymore, but you know this goes on in the world and sadly its a big business that makes a lot of nasty evil people very rich.I did think at first they spend all the budget on Woobin, which you know will get you views. But the energy definitely steps up and you will be on the edge of your seat.
For those of us who are MASSIVE fans of Designated Survivor there is the very best of surprises at the end and I literally screamed my hubby was extremely confused as he hasn’t seen it. I am a fan however and loved loved loved it!!!
Best President of South Korea, the only one in my eyes lol.
Not sure I’d rewatch. I don’t honestly want to be reminded of what evil sick men do for money, but Woobin and the rest of the cast did great.
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Great visuals, romance is flat
I love everything this actor does, and one thing he does incredibly is bring the chemistry with the way he interacts, looks and kisses his FLs. Sadly though that didn’t show up. But honestly I kind of expected. This FL is pretty much frozen fish. You can imply chemistry all you want but it didn’t show up here, which, since the premise of this whole show is romance-impacts the plausibility of the entire thing.I’m not really quite sure why comments are calling the ex toxic? I felt for him almost the minute we discover the reason for the break up. Naturally there is frustration at his lack of communication and honesty, but they do a massive disservice to those who are struggling with mental health issues by villianising him. That felt really uncomfortable.If they wanted to make him a part of the plot there should have been more development there, and some growth, instead we get one scene where she continues to just be mad.
The length of the drama probably leads to the under development of too many sub plots. I almost feel grateful they tied up the bestie relationship because I was started to feel that might drop off too. Bestie was the best part of this show, she had such a well written role.
At the length of the “Soundtrack” dramas, you can’t really go beyond a couple plots-and Soundtracks do that expertly. They have all the sexual tension and simple plot. This one had beautiful wide cinematography and a OST that hits Sh**ting Stars vibes, but I felt almost nothing with the romance, the hugs the frozen kisses made it real hard for our ML to make up the difference.
Disappointed honestly-the ratings are high but I can’t give it more than 7.5.
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Almost made it
Got hooked with this actor while watching My Lethal Man. He was absolutely incredible in that show and I was shocked when I discovered how young he was, he for sure had my convinced he was a seasoned actor in his 30’s. Was disappointed with the next release and dropped it, so was really hopeful for this one to be better. It was, but only so far. I’m starting to think he just got real lucky with an awesome script and Director for My Lethal Man.The length of this drama is thankfully short for a cdrama. There are moments where it lags, and plenty of plot holes. It’s watchable, I had high hopes, but I was still confused at almost the halfway point, and that’s not a good look.
Asthetically well matched, the casting was spot on for the leads, but they didn’t quite hit the mark with the chemistry sadly. I did appreciate the realistic kisses and behavior once in a relationship (often that falls flat of cdrama FLs don’t know how or seem to want to kiss the lead). That was satisfying. But they missed a connection that the story is “telling” you is there but don’t quite hit the mark at showing you. Also, the script is subpar and the lines a bit ridiculous.
Overall a good watch, typical cdrama for the tropes, not sure I’d bother rewatching. Worth it one time at least.
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Short fluffy drama
Overall I liked this short drama, and probably would have rated it higher if it wasn’t for some of the iffy writing.The best friend is questionable far too often. Her lovely green flag bf has to put up with a lot, I’m not sure a guy would tolerate her flip floppy fickle behavior.
The FL also behaves very questionable for someone who’s been in love for 10+ yrs you’d think when it happens you’d be happy. I didn’t like how the writers wrote her response or her initial behavior once in a relationship. It just does nothing to build any chemistry and seems off.
There’s some angst but its very minimal, no triangles thank goodness and no drama with the parents, so lets be thankful that trope was skipped.
Little puppy is adorable we needed more scenes 🥰
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Lots to Love, a few things to hate
Where to start with this, because overall I felt like this was such a much needed improvement on typical cdrama fare.Arthur Chen proves that good looks and incredible acting skills can go hand in hand (Leo Wu is another example). In fact when you consider how young these guys are, they both should have an incredible future ahead in adult roles. The intensity that is required of him in this role plays a huge part in the credibility of the script, so kudos to him. Job well done.
Likewise, a lot is askes of Zhang Jing Yi, who for the most part plays it well. There are times when her silence or inability to respond feels extremely frustrating but this could be the constraints of the script or the directing.
Be warned, it gets very heavy and serious with topics like revenge, obsession, tragedy, the usual cdrama tropes of 2FL delusion, rude controlling parents, jealousy that gets twisted to never be the perpetrators fault but everyone else’s.
There are moments in the show where it all becomes a little unecessary and actually damages what could have been the best cdrama I’ve ever seen. Instead the low blows and cheap shots the writers throw into this show randomly is destructive to it. That’s where my disappointment ends.
The other friendships that form, between college friends through to the awesome gang at Flying Network help support the two leads who really need it throughout. When you lack family support the friends need to come through and there are some touching scenes.
The romance is genuine, and the chemistry between the two is amazing.
Occasionally it felt draggy, but all dramas do at times. I would have loved a little more variety with scenes, it gets very top heavy with college classes, programming group - I do think they could have got the message across about who dominates who without 50 hrs of classroom/club scenes (over exaggerating but you get the drfit) and towards the end too much tedious office scenes, but thats just balance and you kind of tolerate it when the story is good.
Loved the music, the OST was top notch, however I supose it will be hard to find? I never can find full drama OST’s for chinese shows on the streaming services.
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wow just wow
Not sure where to even start with this review, I came across this show as a “filler” drama inbetween waiting for new episodes to drop of a new one, and this show sucked me in fast.I fell for Min Ho’s hair in an instant and missed it in the latter half of the series. 🤣
In all seriousness, this drama has all the classic feels and a few typical predictable plot points you know and love from Korean shows, but the acting from the ML’s in on top form. Deepest darkest evil and complete character arc growth for another, who discovers his tender hearted side, while never quite leaving behind his “go getter never give up” drive he displays from the beginning.
There’s so many comedic funny moments too amongst the cast, that is needed when you consider so much of this show has serious, and tragic parts. It strikes the perfect balance.
I loved the Peter Pan, Wendy, Captain Hook & Tinkerbell vibe and it added a fun uniqueness to the whole drama.
Definitely be back for a rewatch any time I need a pick-me-up or a smile on my face.
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Always here for Jun Ho ?
I kept avoiding this one, despite my deep admiration for LJH, mostly due to awful reviews on trusted tiktok review accts, but finally decided to do my own thing and give it a go because how awful could it really be, right? Turns out its not a bad sort at all and for the most part I really enjoyed this mash up of the usual kdrama fare with a strong hint of classic dramas everyone loves from the old days. Perhaps it was the chaotic band of thugs - or the down on his luck ML, it surprisingly feels like something from the early 2010s, not the end. The trio of leads were fantastic, and the friendship connection between them all truly was a gem to watch. I love the unselfish way we see the romance plot develop between the 2 leads, but was glad that it finally did move forward. There were lots of holes, which usually irk me, but my biggest gripe here was the overdone interfereing parent trope. I know there is deep respect for your elders in Korea, however I am really confused as to how 2 consenting adults, that have already lived outside of the home, married and dealt with the betrayal (abandonment/adultery) ended up divorced but then we see FL being controlled like shes 15 years old. Please writers just stop it. It’s stupid and makes no sense. The spin of “class” or someone not matching financial expectations is so ridiculous when you consider the rich fiance/spouse did the dirty on your daughter and disappeared without a care at her worst moment, yet the genuine loving (albeit a bit loud in the kitchen) and LOYAL boyfriend somehow doesn’t match the mark. Dumb and stupid, and she got annoying too fast.The humor in the show was comedy gold, and carried it well.
Jun Ho as expected is a class actor, and played his role well. From the depths of the lowest his life could be he clawed his way back up and proved again why he deserves these kind of roles.
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Cliche but sweet
yep this show has all the cliches, but if you can’t desl with that, why on earth are you watching dramas? It’s just the way they are. Chemistry between the mains is perfect from the beginning and those looking for romance will come away satisfied. The 2FL is horrible and thankfully she gets figured out fairly fast by ML which is usually a gripe of mine when they don’t. The 2ML draws a very short straw sadly, but his role is what it is in shows like this. I didn’t see much benefit to the friend couple scenes, skipped them mostly. If you just want an easy to watch drama where love grows naturally and no stupid break ups, this is one to watch.Was this review helpful to you?