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Xiao Qilin

Celestial Citadel

Xiao Qilin

Celestial Citadel
public list
C-Bromance Shows of 2024

2024 is the year for Chinese bromance dramas. The dramas in the list have top-notch bromances, it's up to you to watch . BTW, don't expect Dangai…

12 titles 5 loves 1 comment
public list
Upcoming bromance C-dramas

Some dramas in this list have been confirmed to have bromance while few are unconfirmed but they have double male lead pairing & some melons…

10 titles 2 loves
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Bromance Dramas from Countries other than China

The list contains some exclusively bromance -centered shows(devoid of romantic elements & bromance as the pivot of the plot) from countries…

7 titles 2 loves
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Sismance Dramas devoid of Romance

The list contains dramas having full-tone Sismance( plot mainly focusing on the story between female protagonist & deuteragonist ) without…

6 titles 2 loves
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C-Bromance Shows of 2018-2020

2018-2020 => Onset of production of dramas with exclusive bromance in the chinese mainland drama industry. This list also contains few dramas(…

17 titles 1 love
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C-Bromance Shows of 2023

2023 wasn't so hopeful for bromance lovers, but here we go. We do have some dramas tagged under bromance category but unfortunately most of…

10 titles 1 love
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Upcoming Dangai C-Dramas

The list contains Dangai dramas(dramas adapted from Chinese bl novel/danmei) that have confirmed shooting license/ongoing filming/finished filming,…

12 titles 2 loves
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C-Bromance Shows of 2021-2022

2021-2022 period => Noted as the beginning of Drought period of Bromance themed Chinese dramas. But as we know that every cloud has a silver…

9 titles 1 love