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Alice korean drama review
18 people found this review helpful
by XingBack
Sep 17, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 5.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

tkem's twin

I think the future world would've been more interesting, the power and the struggle, the need of the people who pay to time travel as if it was a drug to relive and change the past they can't touch......
right now, Jin Gyum world is just another boring world against an evil corporation with flashy guns and nothing more...

in train they had such different lives in each universe so each decision made a huge difference, and though they were so unlike their counterparts they treated the "travelers" like the same person.
here they are not showing anything beside 1 universe and 1 parasite (ie alice). so even if they say "the past is not the same person" we can't really relate. they feel like the same people following the same exact pattern with minor changes because of alice's existence.

Alice is using this Jin Gyum world as a dumping ground for their evil corporate scheme to gain money and power while they ruin time and space quantum by adding more and more universes, tbh I feel like if a project like that exists they would ban time traveling just becasue it ruins the balance of the world..

it's like Alice now doesn't care if they are exposed in this universe, and they are practically just living in a different universe, but why is everything Alice does is in one universe? why aren't they moving through different ones? why when they choose to go back in time do they all end up in that one universe?

are there only 2 worlds? one where alice is created, and one where alice messes things up? so each past change doesn't result in a new universe it's just building on that 2nd mutant world?

I'm sad that I dropped a kim hee sun drama, the actors all did so well but the plot was as bad as tkem.. it's sbs and their writers' fault..

I've lost interest after that old lady mom coming back, the drama lost it's footing when they chose to make it full of romance cliches (between mom and son) instead of trying to write a decent time traveling drama, or even a revenge drama, and by ep11 I didn't even care anymore, but to hear that the writers made the fl feel "disappointed" that she really looks like the ml's mom? the heck?!

honestly, I've been keep track on this and I'm 100% glad I dropped this, it's so obvious the writer had no solid plan and just used one ridiculous move after the other and called it a "shocking twist"

I did not watch this past ep11 but I read a full rant from a friend I trust and I wish this never existed ;)

circle was lower production but better writing. also watch woman of dignity if you watched this for kim hee sun, like me ;)
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