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New Life Begins chinese drama review
New Life Begins
0 people found this review helpful
by PeachBae
Jan 7, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Wholesome show indeed!

This is one of those cdramas that come silently, not star studded, not many anticipated it, and turn out to be surprisingly great, better than a lot other hyped shows. Initially i moved past this one after reading the synopsis because  it wasn't my cup of tea and i am no fan of family/life dramas because they tend to be melodramatic but this was far from it and the synopsis does the show justice but makes it sound so bland, not the best description imo. It was a breath of fresh air with the whole vibe of the show, so much positivity, merriment and good things happening everywhere. Watching it felt like looking at people living a good daily life in happiness and peace with love. It was such a peaceful and feel good show.

The pacing was great. It spans over about 4 yrs in 40 eps, there wasn't anything boring or anything rushed, editing was good, no plotholes or abrupt scene changes.

Coming to the acting, Tian Xiwei is such a cutie but her voice bugs me so much. Her acting as a cheerful optimistic girl was good, but nothing fabulous about it. Her character had developed quite a lot, and she was mostly likeable when she wasn't being rash. Bai Jingting, his acting was on point, perfect. His character was rather flat one, but enjoyed it. But in some scenes how much he looked like Cheng yi was creepy. I liked all the characters except 4th consort and 2nd former crown prince. Special mention i loved Yuan Ying, but i was so worried that they'd make her fall for the ml and ruin the whole relationship dynamic in the family but luckily they didn't do that and she had a strictly platonic relationship, as a mentor. The 4th prince was annoying but grew to be so adorable. And Su shen was so sweet. The solar term ladies and all other princess consorts were very good and their unity and friendship, sisterhood was a rare theme to see in a cdrama because usually all females are in love with the ml so they are collectively bitches to the fl. Here the ladies had a beautiful bond with each other and it was so good to see. Even some characters that i didn't really like at first sight had developed into likeable characters, like 2nd princess consort, Song wu, 3rd prince, Mls mother, etc. Importantly, they all have their own characters which are unique and different from the rest, and none of them is willing to morph their originality to please others.

The story highlights deeply on the themes of women empowerment and modernization of society in a traditional state and gender discrimination too. Other important themes were sisterhood among the ladies and brotherhood among the princes. It was well executed. There were mostly happy things going on, but nothing in life is only good, so there was a fair little share of bad things too, but not to the point of tragedy or melodrama. The story was heartwarming, how the leads managed to achieve their each individual dreams without sacrificing someone's life and all the other characters too got their own happiness and deserved endings. The writing of the story and the characters was smooth and very well done. The last 5 eps had a lot of romance that it lacked in the previous eps. The ending was very happy. The family life was well portrayed with warmth and no ultra evil characters who were doing black magic to ruin the leads. Not everyone was out to get the main couple and i liked this uniqueness, since everyone had their own thing to do and it did not have anything to do with harming the leads. A family/life drama written, executed and done so well is rare for sure.

Overall it was a pleasant watch and I'd recommend watching it for the positivity and warmth it spreads. The characters and storylines are good, the ending is sugary sweet and wonderful. It is happy and peaceful, perfect for a break from other heavy dramas.
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