It didn't.
It so thoroughly disappointed me but I should have known when I saw the actors and the performance in the first episode.
And I even watched 13 out of the 16, all I can say is...
Don't waste your time on this one.
I truly believe that this COULD have been an epic, timeless drama. If the plot only had been (which I thought it was about when I read the plot) a love story of a woman who killed another man's lover and they fall in love. If the writers had explored that complicated, unspeakable love. How a woman could ever allow herself to love the man of the woman she killed and the man's guilt of falling in love with the woman who murdered his girlfriend. Wow. It would've had so much potential of exploring that stort of guilt, forbidden love and the complexity of human emotions. It would have been uncharted water and it also would have been more credible, that people just can't choose who they love.
Instead this series turned out the be something written by middle schoolers where there are conspiracys that aren't even credible for the audience. The over-acting, so many just full-blown overreactions to certain events and UNDERreaction to others just made this feel like I was watching some sort of drama a middle schooler would have thought up. And oh lord, are there some plain friggin' cringy-ass-moments. Doesn't help with the fact that all the characters are stereotypes with no depth (although some scenes painfully try to give depth and all they do is try and dig a hole in a frying pan). The actors does not help at all, they do not stand out, non of the characters are even memorable since after watching 13 episodes - I can't even remember the characters names so yeah.
And the main female lead- The girl is innocent! Shocking, can't have a girl who is human and not perfect or dressed to be some sort of Jesus-figure. So many bad things happen to her, so unfair! No, she's just naive and pure stupid at times and the acting nor the script made any of her choice believeable. You'll have tot try hard to find a more 2D character out there.
Not even gonna write about the other characters or the rest of the drama. Hope this will save you 13 hours of your life better spent elsewhere.
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