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Amidst a Snowstorm of Love chinese drama review
Amidst a Snowstorm of Love
8 people found this review helpful
by Zogitt
Feb 26, 2024
30 of 30 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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A stark contrast of two cultures

I like this show very much and a lot has to do with the first half of this series which was set in Helsinki, Finland. The snowy cityscape is very appealing. The use of local actors in key roles helps with immersion and let us know that it is not a token effort.

Whether it is the setting or the fact that the ML has been living abroad for several years made him very forthcoming in his pursuit of the FL. Similarly, FL is also surprisingly receptive when you consider most romantic c-dramas will spend a good deal of time wandering around the garden path while the leads assess and reassess their feelings. Forget about skinship, a mere accidental touch is all you'd get.

Not so here. The ML knew what he wants, and he is going for it. He taking no prisoners either. While the FL was initially hesitant, she soon fell into his warm embrace, and we have an explosion of skinship mere days after their fateful meet-cute in a snowstorm. They were hugging and kissing at every opportunity while enjoying the delights of the city.

This is so refreshing that I commented to an online friend that it feels like I'm watching a western romance. The progress is steady and meaningful. None of this endless longing and confusing double speak. We are not in Beijing anymore!

I was praying that the show will keep going down this path and they can be HEA in Finland. I'd have given this show 11/10 on the spot! Alas, this is not to be. China happens.

Yep, both leads relocate back to China after a time skip. The change in tone is stark. Gone are the carefree days of love and be loved. Now it is all about rules, status, obligations and respect.

The OTP are still madly in love, but they must hide their relationship and tread carefully. PDA quota went over a cliff. The ML puts on a mask and behave like other ML's in a typical c-drama. All hail the status quo.

It is not all bad. The relationship between the ML and his teacher was mended and it was beautifully done. There was not a dry eye in the room when the elderly gentleman passed. However, this just triggers another round of scripted role playing and more conformities.

To be honest, this was disappointing for me. I harboured hopes that this drama will dare to be different. Yes, it was that and more for 2/3 of the show but as soon as the ML arrives back in China, it was like a different show. It became a tropey Chinese drama poured from the same mould. Family issues, youthful transgression, societal obligations weighting everything down. The core is still there but you can barely see it from the tropes. If anything, the writer seems to double down on them. They really labour the teacher/disciple relationship as well. It feels like you're watching a wuxia drama rather than billiards! I guess they are trying to promote the positive aspect of Chinese cultures but it was a bit heavy handed.

The flag waving event where China won many gold medals in billiards is over the top. Huzzah!

It makes any talk of spreading the game to the masses seems farcical. It all comes down to prize money, world ranking and a creche of elite players.

Eventually, we get the HEA ending we craved. It was telling that the passing remark from the ML after 3 years in China is that he wants to be "free and easy" again. Guess where he went? ;) Is that a hidden message from the writer? It certainly rings true for me.

Acting by the leads are on point. There are so many sweet and swoon-y scenes. The tender moments felt real. I ship them unconditionally. Forget RL dating rumours, I'm waiting for the wedding invite! This makes the scenes back in China feel all the more like excess baggage.

Support cast earned their pay, but they have little to do. There are no real second leads nor secondary couples. A few minor distractions but it was the OTP's show from start to finish. There is no real antagonist either but there are angsty moments when the leads are back in China. As I mentioned before, the change in tone is stark.

I'd have given it 10/10 if it was a 20 eps run focused on their wonderful romance in Finland. The rest pulled me out of my happy place which lead to a re-evaluation of my final score. That is a shame.

I could rewatch parts of this show but I'd skip tracts as well. The OST is very good.
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