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Extraordinary Attorney Woo korean drama review
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
1 people found this review helpful
by colay17
Sep 5, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

Informative and refreshing.

I logged in to just to write a review as I am now very picky with the KDs that I watch these days, I scored big time on this one,

While I’m sure this series falls short in the accuracy of Autism Spectrum Disorder it certainly shed so many useful information for me. The talent in scriptwriting and cinematography is astounding! The background stories flowed, for the most part, seamlessly. Yes, I’m very forgiving about the sloppy back story of FL’s crazy friend and the pub owner and how the ML seemingly appeared to be an all-round assistant/chauffeur instead of acting, and dressing, like an attorney himself. These are but two examples among the few but it has NO , I repeat, NO big impact to the story line at all. It will, however, bother some who likes the finer details, I would liken them to FL’s obsession of lining up every single gimbap in every single mealtime. The director’s command of the story showcased his skills in ushering the viewer into the thoughts and emotions of every character while managing to keep the FL’s in center stage. The cases presented in court fearlessly tackled relevant and current social issues that means a lot in 2022. For the law-loving court fighters out there this drama will fall short of your expectations so please be warned, The light comedic touch was such a delightful topping on the cake that I have looked forward to in each episode. But what I really really liked was how the director stayed true to the story, he did not over exposed the leads to gain viewer “feels” which is quite typical, almost expected I would add, of KD romcoms. All the romantic interactions of the main couple were subtle, not forced.. the kissing scenes felt genuine…and just right.

The acting department, needless to say, is phenomenal! Words escape me how to describe how exceptionally good both leads are and how endearing all the Hanbada staff are!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a good actor don’t need to use too many words as half the job is in their facial/body expression.s The subtle nod, the lifting of the eyebrows, the twitch of the eyes are among the few. I am in love with all them!

I think it will be very unwise not to watch this series inasmuch as it also unwise to watch it expecting to have all components of law or autism facts because it will not. Treat yourself instead by watching the series through the eyes a person who is trying to see what may be going inside a human being with autism and loving the human being in the process. Watch it will be my advice!
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