Both are historical mini dramas in which the assassin FL infiltrates the ML's home in order to kill him, but the two fall in love.
Both are historical mini dramas in which the assassin FL infiltrates the ML's home in order to kill him, but the two fall in love.
Both are historical mini dramas in which the assassin FL infiltrates the ML's home in order to kill him, but the two fall in love.
Both are light, romantic historical dramas taking place in a world full of spirits who are animals or plants. Both dramas have a similar feel and tone, and both MLs have some sort of curse or transformation.
Both are light historical mini dramas with a spirited FL and a ML who is pretending to be a eunuch in order to accomplish his goals.
Both are light historical dramas in which the ML is after something and pretending to be a eunuch in order to accomplish his goals. Both FLs are free spirited.
Both are historical dramas in which the leads work as matchmakers but initially can't or won't find love themselves.
Both are mini dramas in which the modern day FL enters the world of a historical novel. While originally trying to finish the story so she can return home, she falls in love with the story's villain and tries to change the plot.
Both are set within a game/VR world in which the real world FL must accomplish takes/follow the storyline in order to win and return home.
Both are set within a game/VR world in which the real world FL must accomplish takes/follow the storyline in order to win and return home.
Both are set within a game/VR world in which the real world FL must accomplish takes/follow the storyline in order to win and return home.