My Sweet Mobster leads first starred alongside eachother in Save me 2! Their relationship there was lovely, which is why I've been long anticipating their reunion here!
Both series focus on finding out what happened to deceased individuals. Move to Heaven takes a more sentimental approach, as they run a company that cleans out/takes care of the belongings. Unnatural is a bit more serious as it follows coroners and their discoveries. While different in occupation, I found both to be similar as they don't just simply solve the mystery of death, but more complex things going on in the person's life.
Both are about the female lead returning to their home town and ultimately finding love with a former classmate. Very heartwarming, simple, mature, and just plain beautiful love stories.
Under Your Bed takes a more-creepy-less-sweet approach to the very similar situation in 3 Iron, but is very good nonetheless.
While 3 Iron is near dialogueless Under Your Bed is a lot of narration with occasional interactions. I love both films despite shipping the leads in 3 Iron while standoffishly.. understanding(?) the leads in Under Your Bed. Under Your Bed is certainly a movie to watch and appreciate from a good film perspective, not one to go into expecting to be rooting for your lead character. As long as you can realize that a film can be about something bad without promoting said bad thing, I think you’ll enjoy it.
While 3 Iron is near dialogueless Under Your Bed is a lot of narration with occasional interactions. I love both films despite shipping the leads in 3 Iron while standoffishly.. understanding(?) the leads in Under Your Bed. Under Your Bed is certainly a movie to watch and appreciate from a good film perspective, not one to go into expecting to be rooting for your lead character. As long as you can realize that a film can be about something bad without promoting said bad thing, I think you’ll enjoy it.