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She Would Never Know korean drama review
She Would Never Know
1 people found this review helpful
by josie1220
Mar 15, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Nothing exceptional but it was GOOD

Yes, I did come from Ro Woon but trust me, everything in this drama won my heart.

Firstly, the story line was great. It wasn't fully predictable, although it did hint at some things that only sharp-minded people (like me keke) would get. The character development was great although some characters did give me mixed signals. The only thing that kept me motivated to watch the drama were the side relationships though. The main relationship was very predictable so I just focused my attention elsewhere. The ending was satifying; not to the fullest, but the best I've had in a while. If you check out my activity on MDL, you will see the dramas that I have most recently reviewed.

As for the characters, this is where I have a lot to say. Won Jin Ah's acting was good. It wasn't spectacular but it wasn't an utter fail as well. As for RoWoon, I would give the same feedback I as I said previously for JinAh. Although many viewers say that the chemistry between them is iffy, I think the chemistry is not bad. But then again, I didn't really pay attention to the main couple after a certain amount of episodes when I could predict the ending. Everyone else was perfect for their roles. The characters Lee Jae Shin, Lee Hyo Joo, and Lee Jae Woon always gave me mixed signals. I think this was part of the screenwriting, so I thoroughly enjoyed it like that and think they did a great job of portraying the characters. One of my two favourite characters and actor/actress is Chae Yun Seung/Ha Yoon Kyung. Her character was such a cute and heart breaking one--wherefore, YoonKyung played it perfectly. This is the character that made me bawl the most, so I think that plays a factor in my choosing her as my favourite. My second favourite is her daughter, Kang Ha Eun/Park So Yi--and for almost the exact reasons.

Only good enough dramas can make me cry (not that I don't cry easily), but this one certainly had me bawling more than a few times. Overall, I would RECCOMEND it.
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