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The Longest Promise
127 people found this review helpful
by Kawaii433 Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award1
Jul 17, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

I was really hooked around episode 8

I'm a Wuxia fan but I always enjoy a great Xianxia, and this happens to be one of them. Xiao Zhan is an incredible talent. Xiao Zhan is a consummate actor, able to play any role and become that character. I had just finished his beautiful & latest drama The Youth Memories 2023 not too long ago, where he played the confident, assertive, and gregarious Xiao Chun Sheng. That drama was a slice of life/coming of age. In The Long Promise, he played Shi Ying, a loner, calm, quiet, and introspective with a tragic past. Very few artists can reach that depth of acting in two totally different types of characters as successfully as Xiao Zhan has.

The overall story is solid and the chemistry between all characters is excellent, it's not just 2D between ML and FL so that's another really strong point about this drama that many other dramas lack... The different relationships between all the characters and their character growth. Loved Gen Qing, Chong Ming, & Yuan.

I wanted to add that at first, I was skeptical about the FL because she's not a big-name star but she stepped up to the plate and played Zhu Yan wonderfully. A young, strong girl, who stands up to bullies even if she has to face adversity, and isn't afraid to show her true emotions. I always found little games like playing hard to get so annoying in other dramas (pet peeve) but that isn't the case in this drama.

Finally, the CGI, cinematography, and fighting scenes are so well done. The usage of natural geological landscapes is stunning. Scenes have a Zen-like quality. My favorite parts are usually the marital arts scenes since as I said, I favor the Wuxia genre. They were seamless and fluid, with great choreography. The color, the lighting, and the movement were done very well. It's just a stunning visual treat from beginning to end.

Highly recommended., especially if you love Xianxia.

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In Blossom
39 people found this review helpful
Mar 17, 2024
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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It's a keeper for me

I decided to write a review after a particular scene in episode 8 sparked a cherished memory. It reminded me of the classic film ‘Heaven Can Wait’ (1978, starring Warren Beatty), where a glance into his eyes reveals his true identity to her, despite being in another body. That moment always gives me tingles. Having watched the film countless times growing up, I find this drama evokes similar emotions. It’s a story that celebrates inner beauty and true love, transcending mere physical appearances. The series is not just about laughs—though it certainly has its funny moments—but also mystery, intrigue, and a compelling narrative. I was captivated from the first episode and eagerly anticipate each new one.

Liu Xue Yi is fantastic as always. He's a real star.

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A Journey to Love
15 people found this review helpful
Dec 19, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

It's a Journey that will stick with me for a long time.

What an experience The Journey to Love drama was. I don't think I have ever cared so much for so many characters in a drama before like this one. Usually 4 characters at the most lol. The casting is superb. Each character was so perfectly casted and each played the role to their fullest.

What a beautiful drama about love, friendship, loyalty, revenge and power. Their acting of joy, grief, obsession, love, self-confidence, insecurity, you name it, was so so so well done. It was palpable. The music was outstanding and highlighted their good and bad moments. Perfect for the emotional toll I went through watching each scene.

Another strong point about this drama is the character development which I believe added to my caring so deeply for each of these characters. Characters I didn't like, developed into characters that I hoped would stay safe in battle. Highly recommended.

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Love Is True
17 people found this review helpful
Aug 16, 2021
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Do not miss this if you enjoy this type of drama: Friends, Family, Career, Romance

This drama is so so so so so bingeable. The whole cast is perfect, the acting, the storyline. I adore Tamia Liu since Nirvana in Fire, and she really does not disappoint here. Strong female lead as usual. I usually watch period pieces but gave it a shot because of Tamia Liu. From the beginning, I could not wait to see the next one. It shows the prejudice in the workplace, the pressures of society, the depths of depression, and how each struggle to survive in their life. I find it highly inspirational and hope more and more people watch this gem. It is an adult drama, not the high school love type (which I enjoy as well) but as an adult in the workplace, and those of my friends who are new mothers, it is highly relatable, sometimes infuriating, and always interesting.

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Nirvana in Fire
11 people found this review helpful
Nov 27, 2020
54 of 54 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Lots of reviews already but...

I loved it and have seen it 3 times. It rates near the top on China's Douban list and many see it as a masterpiece. The high rating is no mistake, it is a wonderful, deep, and intriguing drama. But it really depends on what you like. Some people like simple love stories or comedies. This is neither.

Lots of reviews already but... I just wanted to add that there is an unofficial version of the end that was cut. If you haven't seen it, please do. ^^ You can find it on YouTube.

Since this has been heavily reviewed, I'll still put in my two cents. This is a near-perfect drama for me. Probably the best I've ever seen as far as story. The casting and acting are top-notch. This is the second time watching it and no doubt, I'll re-watch it again. High re-watch value due to the complexity of the story. It has such a phenomenal story, and the casting, acting, and chemistry between all the actors/actresses are also top-notch. The genius of Mei Changsu is an intriguing and beautiful thing to watch unfold.

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City of the City
13 people found this review helpful
Apr 24, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Incredible series

Things you see aren't what they will be in the end. There are twists and turns that keep me going, waiting for the next episode. The acting is so so so incredible, starting with Yu He Wei (Three Body), Feng Jia Yi, Bai Yu Fan. Then there are so many other great performances from the supporting actors/actresses like the great Wan Ji Song (NiF), Tu Song Yan (Go Ahead) and more.

I think the synopsis is a bit misleading. For me, I clearly saw who the good guys were from the beginning but in the drama's comments, they had different opinions. So hey, I may be wrong. lol The relationships are really portrayed well in this drama, from romance to bromance, long time friends to frenemies, to the continued love/loyalty for a spouse who has passed away, to a single parent's love for a daughter and how far one would go for his/her child, an interesting love triangle and unrequited love. There is quite a bit of heart fluttering and emotional moments between all the characters. However, it's a dog eat dog world though so one never knows what will happen in the end. I surely didn't. lol

I highly recommend this drama. The ratings here are off in my opinion, and it toots a 9.6 rating on iQIYI which I agree with. When I first wrote this review, I was at ep 26 and out of 9 other CDramas I was watching at the time, this was the first drama I looked forward to watch the next episode. I just finished the series and it had a satisfying ending despite who I was rooting for :((( but because of that, I put the rewatch value to 9 because it's hard to rewatch an ending that I perceive as sad (I say that because some people probably wanted this ending aka justice). Although I was torn throughout the entire drama on whether to side with justice or side with who my heart felt for, I couldn't help siding with my heart so it would be hard to rewatch it again knowing the ending.

It definitely remained interesting all the way to the end.

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Mr. Queen
14 people found this review helpful
Feb 25, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


First of all, Shin Hye Sun deserves the highest actor/actress award. She was magnificent in it. Great story that keeps you interested from the beginning to the very end. Many hilarious and laugh-out-loud moments. Good soundtrack, great acting and casting. Cha Chung Hwa who played Court Lady Choi was my favorite character. I looked forward to every scene she was in.

I am surprised at some of the lower ratings. I think it's one of the best KDrama I have ever seen. It's certainly one of my all-time favorites now. Highly recommended.
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The Youth Memories
10 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2023
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

A review I had to write. I just rewatched this. Please don't miss this gem.

It's a story of six friends...

And it is one of the best coming-of-age/slice-of-life dramas. Strong cast, a beautifully acted, down-to-earth script, with beautiful cinematography, and compelling stories. It is full of nostalgia demonstrating almost every kind of love(and betrayal) in one drama. Unrequited love, affectionate love, puppy love, playful love, love of self over others, love of others over self almost to a fault, enduring love, familial love, unconditional love.

Every character, even supporting characters, is rich in detail. It shows how there are natural cowards and natural-born heroes. Some naturally step back and those who naturally step forward. Many sides of each of the characters are revealed throughout the episodes, some staying at their core while others drastically change. The drama covers a long span of time. Faults that weren't there when they were young, come out or develop through the years. Like real life, all had some faults and all had good characteristics, both relatable. I couldn't hate any of the characters. Some had support and love in their youth while others were challenged early in life due to bad circumstances. Some were tempted by greed, while others fought and succumbed to their inferiority complexes. One of my favorite characters had serious faults but it was due to being so unlucky in his early life, but watching him try to survive and change his life around, grew into a strong character that I loved, rooted for, and hoped for. It's difficult to review a complex drama as this one so I will leave it at that.

One great thing about this drama is when something upsetting happens, it is resolved quickly and not dragged out throughout the episodes. It moves quickly through time and has lots of action that will keep you engaged from episode to episode. I also love that it is narrated.

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First Love: Hatsukoi
8 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2023
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

A solid Japanese drama

It's about first love (obviously if you see the title lol) and how no matter what happens in life, one never really forgets even two decades later. The drama moves at a good pace and has interesting supporting characters. It has beautiful cinematography as well. The interaction and chemistry between the two are excellent. Both Satoh Takumi and Hikari Mitsushima display complex emotions throughout. Each scene of their meetings was natural and there are many memorable lines in the script as well as emotional silent scenes that do not need words but are left to the virtuoso of the actor such as Satoh Takumi.

The "teenage" actors did an excellent job as well demonstrating the zest, excitement, and energy of a first crush, a first love. The drama does a great job of balancing the past and present in a non-confusing way.

The music (two songs) is from the ever-popular Utada Hikaru and this drama was inspired by those songs. Because of that, I read that this drama was top 10 in several countries and during the time it was streaming, it was number one in Japan. It was a success. I loved it, and I admit that I usually do not have the patience to watch slice-of-life or romance dramas but this is one to watch and share with those you care about.

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Stand by Me
8 people found this review helpful
Sep 11, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Great story

Just finished today. I normally only write reviews about extraordinary dramas and this one qualifies. Having said that... What a show. Painfully underrated I see. It's a drama that you have to pay attention the entire time. It has very few light moments, so it is a heavy drama. If you don't like heavy dramas, then this one is probably not for you.

Cheng Yi's acting was spot on. His ability to show internal and external suffering was vivid, palpable. Mickey He, also did a superb job in playing the evil character that we loved to hate. Lulu Xuan got to show off her great acting in this drama. She was great in The Untamed but she got a much bigger and deeper role in this drama as Qiu Yan Zhi. My favorite characters were Qi Yan and Xiu. The forever loyal Xiu was superbly played by Li Jun Yi. Another favorite character was played by Fu Fang Jun,
Han Ding.

Loyalty, deception, and fighting spirit despite inner and outer suffering were throughout this drama. If you like strong women fighters, you'll love this drama. Cheng Ruo Yu played Zhang Yu Xi was the emperor's backbone and the fighting scenes have you cheering. Overall, I felt it was well-written, well-casted, and definitely well-acted. All the characters invoke emotional responses. I wouldn't miss it if you enjoy serious dramas as I do.

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River Where the Moon Rises
21 people found this review helpful
Mar 16, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Beautiful drama

The cinematography, the casting, the acting, the story, the OST is spot on. I think Na In Woo has fully grasped the spirit of the good natured and great On Dal. I began this drama, casually, not really sure if I wanted to see it. I binged the first 8 episodes. Waited patiently for Episode 9 as I was really looking forward to Na In Woo's performance. I have finished episode 10 and I can not wait to see the next episode. He had a much bigger role, and I loved every minute of it. The pure, simple, child-like nature came through, along with his chemistry with Kim So Hyun is wonderful to watch. Speaking of chemistry... Lee Ji Hoon and Choi Yoo Hwa chemistry is out of this world. Highly recommended.

The whole cast deserves applause for the hardship they had to go through and despite that, they nailed it. The flaming is unwarranted in my opinion. Many from "new accounts" too.

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Our Blues
21 people found this review helpful
Apr 17, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Wrote an early review and now finished. Wow. There is no better slice of life drama out there.

Update: Finished the entire series. The acting in this entire drama is absolutely incredible. btw, Park Ji Hwan slays it in ep 8. This is a phenomenal slice of life show. Every story is riveting.

First impression:
I loved the first 3 episodes, especially the 3rd episode. The flashback scenes are so awesome. I can't wait to see each new episode. Epic veteran screenwriter No Hee-Kyung has done it again. It's truly a beautiful and heartfelt drama. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but for someone who usually gets bored with a slice of life dramas, I look forward to every episode.

In a nutshell, I agree with Lee Byung-hun when his statement concerning this drama:
“People say, every soul has a scar. This drama shows those scars. Living life itself means trying to forget those scars, and trying to overcome those scars... People with wounds and how they overcome those scars will be manifested in the drama in a touching way and impart hope to the viewers,” Lee Byung-hun (role Dong-Seok).

I'm older and I have flashbacks of my life (good and bad), and watching this drama just gives me butterflies. I highly recommend this series for those of you who cherish your first crush, who has seen financial hardship, or anything in between. Already, I can see it as a truly memorable drama that many of us can relate to.

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Douluo Continent
11 people found this review helpful
Feb 25, 2021
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Charming unlike any other

Tang San is a perfect role model. I read a helpful review that this is good for the whole family. I agree. What I like about this drama is that it holds dear the parent-child bond and the bond between friends and brother/sister-in-arms. There is a clear storyline of having a moral compass, a good heart. So many feel-good moments. It's not fair to compare this to say Nirvana in Fire, which is considered a masterpiece. This one has its own charm.

Every one of the characters, other than Tang San, when introduced, had personality flaws that bothered me, but soon I was rooting and cheering for them individually and as a team. Lots of rewatchable scenes. Good casting, good acting as well. Xiao Zhan did a great job portraying Tang San as the filial son, a pure heart. There is also plenty of action and adventure.

I've recommended this to a few, and they come back to me that they love it. My other half right away started binging it. I agreed with him that the Duoluo Continent does have a great "anime" feel to it.

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8 people found this review helpful
Jul 14, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Delightfully surprised of how addicting this drama became

I began this drama and thought it was good but in the last 20 episodes, it catapulted to an engrossing and excellent drama. The story from the middle on was so captivating and addicting. I couldn't wait to see what will happen in the next episode. There is, of course, some predictability in the story but it was still great to watch. I'll leave the review of the story to other reviews here but it was the great acting team beginning with Ba Jing Ting and Song Yi to the excellent acting of other leads and support cast that really stood out and was so excellent.

What a beautiful and talented cast. For example, Lie Xiu Yi, one of my top favorite actors, is soooo talented. He can play a morally corrupted villain with multiple layers of past pain, a complex character. with ease... And he can play a sweetheart in romcoms. It really doesn't matter what role they give him, he always performs at peak level. I love to love him and I love to hate him. The rest of the cast did really well, like Zhang Hao Wei who is one of my favorite actors as well. He looks like a young John Cusack (Am I crazy? lol). Anyway, he did great in his role. I especially wanted to mention Zhao Huan Ran playing his role to perfection as well. One minute I felt sorry for him, the next minute, I grrrr at him and wanted to strangle him lol. He did an amazing job with his facial expressions from mental instability to a lost lamb type wanting his father's approval... Etc. I can go on and on about the acting. I was very impressed. ^^

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Hidden Love
43 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 7
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Still trying to watch this... (updated after completing it)

Ongoing review (See final update after completing it at the end):

It is overrated here. This does not compare to other good romcoms and definitely doesn't compare to Love Like the Galaxy or even Who Rules the World. I have watched up to ep 15 and it is below par with the top Chinese romcoms dramas. I like Lu Si and I have seen most of her dramas but her acting as a 17-year-old made me cringe, by skipping like a child in one scene, and constantly hugging a stuffed animal... Etc. which is appropriate for maybe a 12-year-old. The grade school SZ was more mature (played by Zhang Xi Wei who did absolutely wonderful, by the way). After episode 1, I was really looking forward to her character growth but it actually goes backward. Their actions and banter are still like 14 or 15-year-olds even in episode 15. It has been the same type of interaction. It is repetitive. Episodes 12 and 13 gave me hope to show some depth but it fell back to the same pattern in 14 and now 15. The best part about this drama is her interaction with her brother and their relationship but those scenes are far and few between.

It is extremely slow and uneventful for the majority of the episodes with most of the drama just interactions between the two leads. I am still sticking with it but I find myself struggling to keep interested because the script is way too simplistic with no wit, no humor, and no memorable lines... Etc. and pretty unrealistic for college-level romance. It feels tedious. I will update this review if I change my mind.
Final Update: Even at Ep 17 there was still the same type of dialog "Do you really have no feelings for me?" "Maybe just a little bit." >.< There are countless scenes throughout this drama of making a big deal about this age gap of him being "old". Not sure why the director/writer emphasized it as much as they did. Again, I think the show should've had far more scenes with the brother and their relationship instead of the slowing moving repetitive interaction between the leads. It's cute and all but 25 episodes of that was just far too slow and tedious for me. I think most people would be far better off spending time watching the modern drama Reset, or if you are into romcoms Meet Yourself, The Love You Give Me, The Day of Becoming You, Skate to Love, and more. If you like costume dramas, then there are plenty that are worth your time.

Final words: Having said that, If you like this type of drama then try it. Everyone is different. For me, I just didn't care for it. Too simplistic for my taste. As I said, the best part is episode 1 with the child actress and the rare parts with the older brother. But then it goes downhill. I favor Wuxia like Nirvana in Fire, The Untamed, and Joy of Life (so I may not be the best judge for this type of drama) but I do enjoy romcoms from time to time but there has to be some comedy, and memorable lines, or wit, and more depth for me to really embrace it.

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