watch this drama right now
STOP IT WAS SO GOOD. Everything was good about this drama. The story was funny and romantic, while still covering serious topics and situations. All of the actors suited the roles they were given, and although it is an exaggeration of real-life, there aren't any heavy hints of acting (everything felt natural and comfortable when watching). The characters grow on you and make you want to go help them or be there for them. One small thing that I wished they included more of was the sports. I understand that if they did that the drama could end up being boring for some, but they went to a university for sports. To be more exact I felt like the swimming part of the story had a lot less than the weightlifting and the gymnastics. Regardless, this drama is still amazing and a for sure must watch.Was this review helpful to you?

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okay honeybuns, let's talk about the ending
OMFG let me explain all of my thoughts while watching this.During the first couple of episodes I could not stop swearing at my screen because I was so pissed that she was with Hye-yeong. I actually cried watching her with him. Like sun-oh literally didn't do anything to deserve this. Anyway I was literally dying. Also, there's a lot of false clues in the beginning that she'll end up with sun-oh, like when her love alarm thing disappeared from hye-yeong's screen. So, since I was on team sun-oh, I'm sorry to say but there's a lot of heart ache and suffering to endure if you're rooting for him.
Don't kill me but I actually think the ending made sense. I mean when you think about it, sun-oh and jojo are both people who need to receive love. Meanwhile, hye-yeong and yuk-jo are both people who give love. If sun-oh and jojo really ended up together I don't think they would be all that happy since they're both receivers, I think? so that thought kinda made me calm down and think that it really was the best for them....
Now imma compare the seasons
Hands down, I think that season one was better. It has a stronger storyline and is more exciting. Season two almost felt like I was reading/looking through someone's photo book. It also ends the same way that it started, so I felt like I just watched a whole bunch of nothing. You could watch all six episodes in a row like I did, and almost think nothing of it. Also, season one made more sense. Like season two was shorter, but I feel like they didn't explain at all what happened to Duk Goo and what the heck he's been doing all these years.
I guess the ending was more satisfying than season one?? I mean I liked the way they explained why jojo's possibility of liking hye-yeong disappeared. Essentially, all the questions about the main characters are all answered in the end. But what about characters like Duk Goo, Gul Mi and sun-oh's family? I would've liked to see what happened to them as well, even though they aren't main characters.
I can't really remember the music in season one, but I really liked the music in season two.
Season two was deeper when it came to emotions. It had a lot of scenes/shots that needed thinking or could be interpreted to what the watchers thought, I liked that aspect of season two. It refers to season one quite a lot, which I also liked, since I watched season one a while ago and cannot remember everything.
anyway it's worth watching, but it's not the best.
BUT TEAM SUN-OH GOT ROBBED. He didn't have that many scenes and the story was mainly about jojo and hye-yeong. like pleasssseeee where are all the good scenes and shots????
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why you should watch tempted/the great seducer
In general, the drama was very good. I liked the way the story turned out and how complex it was. I have to say Soo Ji was my favourite character. I gave it a 9 and not a 10 because the two mains broke up and got back together too easily. Also I started this drama so that I can warm up to other scarier dramas, and it did the job! It made a good bridge between rom-coms and real-life/scary-ish dramas. Not to be rude, but Joy's acting was unnatural for me. It might be because I've seen her with RedVelvet too often, but it bothered me just a little. Not to mention, the soundtrack was amazing! I love the classical music they used.Was this review helpful to you?