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My Name korean drama review
My Name
3 people found this review helpful
by KyungsooFans
Oct 25, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

Series that will make you watch in one sitting.

At first, I was curious about what this series was like and wanted to see Han So Hee's acting, and then I fell in love with the intense story and characters in this series.
The story is interesting, maybe some people will be able to guess who the culprit is, I also guessed he was, but instead I got carried away by the story and turned to support him because I thought he was a good person, and suspected the team head.
I like warm scenes like chamomile tea, at least in the heart of a gangster there is a soft side that is rarely shown.
The action scenes were very intense, I praised Han So Hee's acting because she acted very well in this series. The facial expressions she shows are also very slick, how it feels to desperately seek justice for his father, the expression of revenge against his father's murderer, the expression of sadness when the loss of loved ones, and the disappointment of being betrayed by a trusted person.
I watched it in one sitting, I was curious about the next episode. Thank you for this series, because this just 8 episode, so I think you can rewatch it anytime.
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