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Oh My Venus korean drama review
Oh My Venus
0 people found this review helpful
by laura sommeils
Mar 9, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers
I wasn't expecting much when I started this drama. In fact, I almost stopped watching because it did seem a little bit fatphobic in the first episode. I liked that they turned that a little and made it more about her health instead of only her weight as a superficial beauty standard. I liked that the male mc told her that she was more beautiful when she was healthier instead of saying when she was thinner. I also liked the secondary characters. They didn't feel as 2D as you see in another kdramas, specially her ex-friend, with the ex-boyfriend I still believe he is an ass, but the actress who played the ex-friend made me pity her and respect her even if she wasn't exactly my fav person.
I didn't like how they treated the physical abuse case, rehabilitation doesn't always work and sometimes you're exposing the victim again to more abuse. I wish the scene in which she advised that to the victim didn't exist. I also felt that that scene of them as children wasn't necessary, but I can't say I disliked it, it's just that I'm a little tired by now that it seems EVERY kdrama couple knew each other as children for some reason or another.
Howerall, I don't think this is the most complex or unique drama, but it's a good drama to watch with sad and deep momments that aren't exaggerated and diverse characters.
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