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Doctors korean drama review
0 people found this review helpful
by Lorrapatricia
Aug 25, 2016
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
I'm guilty of re-watching this drama over and over as it progressed until the halfway point when it began to fizzle. As much as I loved this drama, after watching the final episode, I came away with the feeling that the entire thing was a vehicle to show off PSH's "Adult kissing" chops with a veteran star known to be great at it. I mean lets face it. Kim Rae Won is a stellar actor in ALL ways and he's mature. What a perfect way for her to leave the immature cardboard kissing nonsense behind her for good! This drama also showed of those fighting skills that I'm sure she worked seriously hard to hone. She executed those moves PERFECTLY leaving me to believe she probably does that stuff in her free time (whenever that is). I think for KRW this drama was light and fun to do. All the Cast were great. I invested in all of them, even the Antagonists and although the story basically fizzled - IMO - once the mains established their bond and the fight scenes no longer made sense, the fizzle started far enough along and I liked the characters more than enough for this to be one of my indefinite re-watches. In fact, maybe it's that all-round lack of heaviness and full-Cast likeability that allows me to keep going back to it happily.
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