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Mr. Sunshine korean drama review
Mr. Sunshine
11 people found this review helpful
by Mixity
Oct 3, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers
This is a drama I will watch countless times. Absolutely sure about it.

I'm completely satisfied with the male lead's charming, exquisite performance. If he did not already have an fairly decent ability in English language, then he sure learned it quite perfectly for this drama.
The way Choi Yoo Jin mesmerized me with his manners, his looks, his perfect devotion to the female lead. I think it's one of the best performances from a male actor I've seen in Korean dramas. Any woman would love him, any King would honor him. And surely anyone would want to be defended and protected by him.

I haven't seen Kim Tae Ri play in dramas. It surely is something to regret, I'll fix that mistake quickly.

She plays with this fervent fire and dedication, that you might see in other actors, but at first notice, I can't think, who would fit more perfectly into this role. The gentle yet unbending nature of the role is perfectly acted out by this female lead. When I looked her play Go Ae Sin's role out, it made me want to be her. The courage emerging from fear and doubt, with such victorious indignation. It takes me a step farther, to look at women of that society more closely and to ardently admire of the nature of women in all the times of the world.
Not as a feminist, but just as a fair judge of character, I wonder, how many people with this kind of nature have there ever been in this world and will there ever be...

Also I would like to point out that, when in a hurry to get to the plot's important moments and as usually a person with busy life, there was not a moment in this drama, that I had the heart to skip. Everything fitted so perfectly. There was not a moment that would have left a question mark, as why would they add this or that scene here/there. And this is one of the most important points of any drama. How well does the story flow and how much does it make you want to skip to the important parts. This, for me, had not a second of it.

Also, one extremely important point. The side characters, everyone was important for the story. They added coulor's to the story, that will make it possible to remember them as much as the male/female lead.
Not just the lead actors, but also every other actor was perfect for their position in this drama.

Hope you like the review :) This is just how I feel :)

#BTW! Music is over the top. You can just drown into the emotions and the deep feelings in the drama's OST!
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