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Imawa no Kuni no Alice japanese drama review
Imawa no Kuni no Alice
1 people found this review helpful
by mydramalist_
Feb 6, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

A imperfect but enjoyable surprise !

Alice in Borderlands was a bit of a surprise to all of us because it was such a new concept. When you look at the comment section you will easily spot words like “odd” “strange” “different” and most of us, especially if we are drunk in asian contents, are drowned to that kinda of stuff.

This original series is even more likable as we get a beautiful scenery, intriguing story, mostly great performances and there is no time for boredom. If you watched similar “themes” (suspensful atmosphere, games, life or death games, new world fictionnary or made by some entity…) like Squid Game or 19th floor… they take time to set the plot even tho they leave you a part of mystery to it. Alice in Borderlands doesn’t. It goes fast and right to this “imaginary or made by someone” setting.

All of this is a good recipe to keep things addicting and interesting. At least for most of us.

S1 is more about the games. We get full episodes on some games. To me I prefered this one as I found it entertaining and new and not boring. But there is a little place for characters’ development. So we don’t get much emotionally engaged when something bad happens to them. not just the male lead but to anyone.

S2 focuses more on characters’ development and we get almost zero games fully played on screen. Maybe one and a half in the last episodes. On S2 we get attached to a lot of people. Maybe everyone in a way. The second season also tries to be a satire of our society but not really about humans’ behaviors but what people go through in their minds. It is different directing approach but likable too. But is it for the same audience ?

The cons now. Personally, I regret that season 2 didn’t develop the ending of season 1 which I think was very interesting. If you have watched a ton of dramas you might have seen the end of season 2 coming which was a bit disappointing even tho we can also have another idea of how it will develop again as season 3 seem to be on its way. If season 3 catches up with season 1 ending which is still possible it can be amazing. The last episode on season 2 is a no to me in the directing process. To be fair once the games were sort of done and they were trying to convey the “main story” there were a lot of flaws in the directing process. Maybe were they pressured or not creatively free enough from netflix ? Who knows ! I regret also on season 2 the lack of depth in all games. To me people were confusing the characters’s charisma and the actual games that were not even closed to the development they had in season 1. In season 1 you can have things to say about performances about pretty much everyone even the male lead at some points. When we get to this environment with a lot of folks it shows even more and is a bit off.

Last con to me is the main vilain or the character they pictured as the vilain is not innovative nor funny nor interesting, it is seen over and over, this character lacks a lot of originality and is as irritating as most vilains we see. The lack of depth about this person is also disturbing as in season 2 they develope everyone but that person. And it is to me a flaw cause even for “basic vilain” we have a motive which can be very simple. It is lacking here.

On the question should you watch it ? Of course it is one of the most innovative drama we have ever seen and beautifully shot from japanese industry which has their signature and which is very enjoyable. That being said I think the audience from S1 can be different from S2 and also some characterizations can be a drawback to the full engagement of the viewer.

People like to compare squid game and alice in borderlands especially since they came out at the same time. Besides that squid game is set in a reality while we question the reality of alice in borderlands and that, the latter is bloodier I have a hinch of why alice is rated higher, it’s the rewatchable value. A very good drama nowadays is rewatchable and still enjoyable. Alice is more rewatchable than Squid game. It is my personal opinion but if you look at people’s reviews you will find out that tthe majority thinks the same.

I am sorry I haven’t check the series background like if it was made out of some specific inspirations (book, video game) so I only reviewed the series.
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