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Honestly started off loving this show. Story was great, even if it had to rely on amnesia. However, as the show progressed I kept getting more and more frustrated with the villains. It seems like after a certain point the writers stopped caring about how to make things progress and decided (spoilers ahead) to repeat stupid tropes to ensure the story could drag out. For instance, every time Cha Min Ho has someone he doesn't like he just calls his buddy driving a GIANT RED TRUCK to run them over. And this happens several times- I don't understand why they couldn't think of some other way to carry out an assassination. Surely the most conspicuous truck in Korea running someone over on a busy highway couldn't have been the best plan. Also, the antagonists just throw money at everything and the problem disappears. Like they couldn't think of a way to deal with a problem and decided to make a phone call and tada, the show can move on to another arc. It feels like nothing is explained at all and viewers are just supposed to accept that Kim Souk (Min Ho's henchman) is a ghost who can walk through walls and is invisible to everyone else and can kill anyone at any place. What the hell, he might as well have just killed Park Jung Woo in the first episode and this series wouldn't have to exist.I like the concept, but the execution just felt terrible. The writing got so sloppy and relied too much on Kim Souk to progress the story while simultaneously he could have killed the main protagonist at any moment. If this one character did not exist, the whole story would have been so much better and more believable, such as if Min Ho had to carry out his own dirty work rather than just making a phone call and having a giant, red truck teleport in and kill someone and magically disappear again. I'm angry that this series was ruined by a single, minor side character but what can I do about it.
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