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Love Next Door korean drama review
Love Next Door
9 people found this review helpful
by rianclay
22 days ago
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

The realistic portrayal of adult life struggles

I find the series very realistic especially on the woman's side.
Woman tend to experience more difficulty in life especially if you are the first born (male or female a like) in Asian families.
Some are fortunate enough to have a good life and some have a lot to struggles to be an apple of the eye of the parents.
Gas lighting was also shown here which is sometimes disregarded at our workplaces because we don't want to be involved to the victim.
The portrayal of the family dynamics here shown 2 sides of family, a family with no communication can really destroy the family within and a family that would like to be seen by the society as a good family puts a lot of pressure to the children.
For the love aspect, its the closest to reality but I do hope there where would a real man like the main lead.
The relationship of the best friends going to lovers really happens to some with a good or even a bad outcome. The transitioning of friends to lovers' was well portrayed. Kudos to the actors.

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