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I watched this movie because I've been watching japanese movies lately and this came up on recommended. I admit I cried a whole ton but only on a few scenes. It was so sad, bittersweet, and heart breaking. (im sorry spoilers ahead!) The casting was amazing and the plotline was humorous at times, cute at others, and sad but meaningful most of the time. The script writers really portrayed such a loving and complete family, I could not stop watching it. I loved this movie and would highly recommend it. Guess whose eyes are gonna be super puffy tomorrow morning?? :') Was this review helpful to you?

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great cast, eerie story
As someone who's a big fan of Alice in Borderland, this genre suite my taste perfectly. It's so eerie in a nonchalant way, how each individual factor of the cinematography contributes to the unsettling mood. The music fit in so perfectly, I'm honestly such a big fan.As mentioned in some other reviews, it started off strong and caught my attention however the ending and last few games felt too fast. The ending becomes more and more expected after the halfway mark--which makes it less climatic as it could be. (which doesn't really do some of the characters justice)
On the bright side, the casting is absolutely amazing; I was highkey cringing at the VIPs' acting,,,that english and the things they said were so cringey I would rather have them be Asian people or just Korean. The main casting was really great, I'm glad they didn't decide to cast anyone who was super well known or the go-to norm popular actors/actresses. Seeing new faces (some of them were, at least) was really refreshing :) Also i love how we're seeing more of Wi Hajun these days;; he's very eye candy and gives such manly vibes; i support LOL
This series really makes you question your morals and how you would react if you placed yourself in their shoes... the human instinct and selfishness is very complicated; so I couldn't exactly say I hated any of the characters for acting the way they did (ahem sangwoo smh).
All in all, Squid Game was incredibly good, I'd certainly like to see more of it. The cinematography is beautiful (they understood the assignment alright), the music was such a great contribution, and the casting was the icing on the cake. Great film overall, I highly recommend watching!
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the calm i needed this summer
I find myself immersed and drawn to slow-paced dramas, not ones that go nowhere of course, but ones that make you sit back and reflect on life. I enjoyed how realistic and raw the feelings portrayed in this series were. I didn't feel bittersweet or touched most of the time, in fact, I was kind of dreading the relationship timelines since I thought something was going to fall apart any moment. But this is oftentimes the reality, you are intrigued by somebody and yet you're not sure why, you seek validation yet you desire to be loved.I loved how there were multiple mains and multiple storylines, each situation was so different but so relatable. As the drama progressed I found myself adoring the characters (esp. Gu)
OST 10/10
Casting 10/10 (love how everyone portrayed the characters)
Ending was not the happy ever after that most people would expect but definitely fulfilling and calming. (overall a great closing)
Highly recommend this series :)
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I barely watch any japanese movies or dramas since I'm more of a kdrama person, but this movie stood out to me since the actors were great and the plot was interesting. Time looping and going back to time and facing the sadness behind the truth really made the drama beautiful in a realistic way. Get ready to cry at the end :'( (sorry for spoilers!!) Overall I enjoyed this movie and I'm not sure if I am willing to rewatch it again since I already know what happens at the end but I certainly do recommend watching it. Was this review helpful to you?

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Also, I'm pretty sure you already know that this drama isn't exactly your typical romcom romance drama. It's pretty darn sad. I cry at least three times in one episode so prepare some tissues.
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