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Mystic Pop-Up Bar korean drama review
Mystic Pop-Up Bar
0 people found this review helpful
by Daisuke
Sep 9, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

fantastic in every way!!

rollercoaster of bizarre mix of tragic and comic but charming〜 only K-drama seems able to capture this mix of comic and tragic, light and serious in each episode。as it goes on it goes far from original idea of going into dreams with all kinds of scenarios crossing between afterlife and life and the back stories of main characters and their soul relations that adds interest〜what a fantastic finale:I had to watch last two episodes together and really did not see all that coming and I am happy with the ending〜and unlike some K-drama this was very well-judged length not too drawn out to lose the tension and fascination with the drama 〜I thought I saw Yook Sung Jae's cute face before and of course it was in Goblin!look forward to more by these lead actors *(*´∀`*)☆
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