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독일 ~ Where the waves gush against your windows


독일 ~ Where the waves gush against your windows
D-Day korean drama review
6 people found this review helpful
by xXabsintheXx
Feb 15, 2016
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
Despite all the other good reviews, imo the drama was not perfect. Therefore my rating is only 8. But that's still good, so no need to worry. The only reason why I started D-Day was because I heard that amazing song on youtube, Jung Dong Ha - That Day. I was sooo moved by it that I just had to watch the drama behind it. Ok, where to start... the good things? Doesn't really matter, right? What I was most impressed by from the very start, was Kim Young Kwang. I only saw him in Pinocchio and Yong-Pal before and he didn't stand out that much. But here, woah... His acting was so strong that I almost fell for him. Seriously. (I don't like curls either, but it made him very handsome, too.) Many other actors/actresses did also a good job, although not all of them. And I don't like Ha Suk Jin. He just opens his eyes so strangely wide when something schocks him, that I couldn't take him seriously. Lee Kyeong Yeong's character on the other hand... Well, I hated that guy the most. Seriously, never hated a person in a drama like I did here. And still, in the end I liked him the most, because his 'departure' and change was the best of them all. He didn't fold completely. He may have understood his wrongdoings, but he still maintained his personality and conviction what made him look even more human. In most dramas, the bad guys changing at the end seem like they changed their souls or something. But not in this one and I was very pleased with that. Another good point of this drama were the surguries. There were alot of them and thank God most of them didn't have a dramatic showdown, though many of them were quite dangerous and tight in success. What else... the scenery or better said the special effects. It was a drama but that didn't stop the producers from doing a great job on those. You can see that they put alot of effort into the realistic view of the distaster and that was just candy for my eyes. What I also liked was that there were not only black (bad) and white (good) people. There were many grey persons, too, like someone who is trying to help, but in order to do that he has to make some difficult decisions, even if it means to become the black sheep among them. Also, not all of those who did bad things were punished. That makes it even more realistic. Another plus? I just like the main pairing! They were great together and really cute. I wish there would have been some more 'cuddle/hugging' scenes or something. My romantic heart wasn't well served! I guess, now we have to go the things that made me rate this drama an 8. First of all, I know that a situation like this, a distaster is not only ruled by heroes but also by individual fates and people who start acting only intuitively which implies the ever first rule: Self-preservation/survival. But nevertheless, many wrong behaviours just seemed too excessive. And with every new episode I was getting more and more annoyed by the director's attitude which didn't even budge an inch. At least once I wanted to see his pride as a doctor. Well, that's it. No matter what and despite this one point of criticism, I still enjoyed D-Day (I had to cry alot, too.). Only my rewatch value is a bit low. Don't take it the wrong way, I just don't think I will rewatch it. Listening to the song mentioned above is quite enough for me.
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