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Why R U? korean drama review
Why R U?
2 people found this review helpful
by youhadmeatzb1
Sep 14, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 4.5
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.5


I think overall, this one faulters in comparison to the Thai version. This one had the potential, but it tripped over itself in the process. The source material was 13 eps that were 50ish minutes each. This one is 8 eps of 25ish minutes. That's a huge cut and not that it's impossible to deliver, but it makes it that much harder. There's less time to tell this reimagined story and I think that's the biggest issue. So we stumbled from episode to episode, unnecessary scenes are dragged out, necessary scenes are missing completely, etc. And then we find ourselves at the last 2 eps and it felt sloppily put together.

There were funny moments and the actors did their jobs well. I think if you watch this without comparing, you might enjoy it vastly more. But with the comparison, it does fall short and is the reason for my low score.

Also, just an added note.... the 'previous episode' time in the beginning of every episode was so long and it was annoying? You have a 26 minute final episode and 5 minutes of it is the previous episode rundown? Tbh, we needed those 5 minutes to tell a better story.
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