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Apr 12, 2017
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
STORY: The description above sums it up but I have to say that Season 2 was spectacular. It beat all my expectations. The first half of the season was a solid 10. The writing was so damn good. The second half slowed down so I'd give it an 8. Each episode focuses on one of the cast, but does have side scenes of the other members. The episodes of Win and Phu were especially good. Phai's episode stunned me, it was shocking; I don't think I could ever watch that episode again...ever.

One thing that bugged me was that all of the relationships were harmed by one of the partners still being in love with an ex. Why was this theme so overused?? It would have been nice if at least one couple had a healthy and stable relationship where one wasn't still in love with some old flame.

As far as the LGBT themes, there is a girl couple and a guy couple, but not enough screen time was devoted to this topic, and it wasn't presented in a positive way; realistic maybe, but why can't a gay couple be happy?

ACTING/CAST: I liked all the cast but not all the characters. (I wasn't really all that fond of Sprite or Phai, even though the actress playing Sprite is amazingly cute.) Some are better than others and some have one-dimensional presentations or flat performances. Also, missed opportunity for this show, but dammit I wanted MORE POP! He was a great character that was underused!

MUSIC: I am always impressed with Thai drama music. This was no exception. There's a ton of great music here and many original songs. It's apparent some of the cast are also musicians.

REWATCH VALUE: I don't know if I'll watch it all a second time, but I might rewatch the episodes of Win and Phu.

OVERALL: This season rocked. The Movie was slow, Season 1 was OK, but Season 2 knocked it out of the ballpark. Again, first half was better but as a whole it was worth it.

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Aug 8, 2018
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Spoiler free??????????

For the most part this is better than the first season, each episode seems to be more stand alone-y focusing on mostly 1 topic 1/2 characters. It deals with almost everything a teenager could face (almost) and the writing of it is done so damn well. The likeable charcters are extremely likeable and the unlikeable charcters are well, unlikeable. A charcter that I really loved was Phu, i didnt think it was possible to like a character this much...he has his flaws but god do I think he is just such a brilliant character. The actor (March Chutavuth) managed to potray someone struggling with their sexuality so perfectly. Episode 5...the Phu/bomb fiasco is what I’ll call it...was written so damn well, there was a specific scene that I cherish so much where bomb introduces phu to her friends...nothing particularly special happens in this scene, its just seeing his realisation that their are others that have struggled in similar ways to him, and that he isn’t alone, that he is made me so happy Whilst watching alot of Phu’s scenes i had to remind myself that this is only a fictional character..which shows a great ability from the writers to be able to suspend disbelief as well as an exceptional actor. I also liked Dao’s character more than i did in s1 shes still a bit of a brat (rightfully so) but its good to see her become less annoying and more of a likeable character. Other storylines which are quite good are Phai-Fern I won’ get into it too much since I want this to be spoiler free...but you can feel the tension through the screen during the hotel scebe, i was once afain reminding myself that this show is fiction.

Now my criticism, firstly I think the writers could have potrayed Win’s addiction situation better although it was portrayed okay in ep 6(?) which primarily focuses on it afterwards it seemed to be too romanticised with the whole Kwan situation too,..the actual issue seemed pushed aside in order for a half assed romance. Secondly the ending...honestly I hated the end. I feel like alot of situations and problems were left hanging in the air not really resolved. However I then found out there is a 3rd season only to see that the majority of the main cast is different meaning we’re left with a too open ending for the characters of s1/2....

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Feb 8, 2016
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
The first series was a bit of a letdown from what I thought it was going to be. For the second series, maybe because were were already introduced to the characters, I thought it was better. There were one or two episodes I could have done without (I'm not a fan of all of the characters so the single-character focused format of a couple episodes were painful to sit through). Other than that the ending

Story: Its a continuation of the first series. So if you liked that then you'll like this one. The only real difference is that there is a solid ending for everyone (you may not like it, but...)

Acting/Cast: I really can't complain. Even though I rated this as a 8.5 overall, I can't argue that the acting was bad. It was amazing, especially considering the racy topics. Whether I loved, hated or was just frustrated with a character it was solely because they were doing their job well.

Music: Cute and fitting. And when the actors sang or the band played it was believable and appropriate for the scene and characters.

Rewatch Value: Nope. I mainly watched this in order to find out how a few of my favorite characters would end up (hopefully together!) so it was hard to really get into everyone and truly appreciate the drama as a whole and it never really won me over fully. But (depending on who you find yourself liking) there are some VERY funny and rewatchable scenes.

Overall: It was ok. Better than the first, but still left me wishing for a few different endings.

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Jul 19, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers
Hormones is one of the best teenage series to ever exist. It focuses on real life teenage issues and the confused life of teenagers. It also tackles hard and serious topics that are important to discuss to teenagers about. The 2nd season is just as good as the 1st if not better. It brings each character's story to the next level. I liked how this show focused on each character individually and gives each character their own episode to highlight their problems. This gives the audience a chance to see the characters deeper and understand them.

-Win and Kwan: their story is one of my favorites. Win and Kwan are polar opposites but opposites attract right. In the first season we see how Win hurt Kwan unintentionally and ultimately loses her. I think I'm bold enough to say Kwan was the best thing for Win. Win started to change bad habits for her and they always worked well together but when he lost her and he couldn't get her back he did everything to get her attention which led him to fall. Without Kwan he's helpless. He turned to drugs and this is a very big topic that's barely talked within the younger kids and Hormones was able to tackle it. In the end Win and Kwan's story is left very open but I think that's the best ending for them. We know that they like each other but being in a relationship isn't what Win needs right now while in rehap, he just needs someone to stay by his side and that's exactly what Kwan is doing.
-Phai and Sprite: their story was one of the most intense. Phai lost himself being insecure and possessive over Sprite which led him in the wrong direction. Their relationship wasn't going to work if he doesn't work on himself that's why Sprite let him go. In this season, their relationship faces more obstacles too as they try to find their ways back to each other. Their timing was always off, every time they were ready to be together something blocks their way. And then there's Phai and his story of the unwanted pregnancy. His story was so real and intense.
-Tar and Toei and Kanompang: I didn't like Tar and Toei together if I was to be very honest. I just never felt like Toei truly liked Tar, she never did until she got cheated on and realized she lost Tar to someone else. What pained me the most was when Tar left Kanompang on that stage alone and ran off after Toei, that was such a jerk move. I felt no pity for Tar and Toei at all because Kanompang didn't deserve to go through that. Of course she got annoying and bitchy but imagine your bf being so friendly and in love with another girl, I think Kanompang deserves some credit.
-Phu and Thee: All I can say is that I pitied Thee so much. I really wished that Thee would move on and stop giving in to Phu. He needs to realize his self worth and love himself more. Phu broke up with Thee to be with someone else and ends up using Thee again. When Phu asked Toei to stop being friends with other guys and give attention to Phu, he was just so unreasonable. Out of all characters in this series, Phu is definitely the most confused one. I don't blame him though.

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Jul 17, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Not As Good As The First

First review with spoilers as I like this drama but it also had me confused (at the end).
*Warning- some flowery language is used
Dove straight into this after I binge watched the first season in one day and just could not get enough. This ended up not being as good as the first season simply because it ends on a cliff-hanger despite having another season (which I don't care to watch). The main cast consists of mostly seniors and with them graduating none of them actually get a proper ending- it's one of the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a drama.

Cast- for most of the cast this was their first acting role so I can forgive them for not being seasoned professionals but... still... some were just hard to watch.
~Win (Peach)- his role was greatly diminished compared to the first season yet he was still going through some major issues. He went to NY after the teacher fiasco and it was there he picked up a coke habit. That didn't end when he came back and of course the person to find out was Kwan, the girl he "loved" and set out to destroy in the first season. So yea he had his issues but they were never really dealt with or addressed expect for Kwan constantly asking him to stop. Does he get clean? Don't know but we do see him in his final scene in a hospital checking his grades. Does he go to college? What actually happens with Kwan? One thing that always bothered me is that we never see his family life. We could have got some reasoning as to why he acted the way he did.
~Kwan (Pattie)- after going out with Mhog, they end up breaking up in the final episode as she realizes she has no feelings for him. It's implied that her and Win have some weird attraction to each other but because of the shit Win did to her she could never truly forgiving him. I took came to my own conclusion that because she could never forgive, they could never be together. I guess she just goes off to dentistry school and just lives her life.
~Mhog (Michael)- one of two characters who when the episodes focused on them, it was emotional as fuck. The first one happens in the first season with his girlfriend breaking up with him and in this season it's his only parent, his father, dying from lung cancer. Mean while all the boys have been chain smoking since season 1, but it's after this episode they ease up on that. Mhog is a melancholy character and when he's happy Michael straight up looks uncomfortable. When he smiles it actually looks like it hurts.
~Phai (Tor)- the other character that had emotional episodes and they were damn good. Phai and his gf had the only true character development from the first season to this one. He went from someone with so much anger issues and literally being on the path to death to doing a complete 180 and and just becoming a better human being. He protected his on/off gf multiple times, got a girl pregnant and decided to stay with her although she decided to get an abortion, he just became a better guy.
~Sprite (Kao)- I hated this girl in the first season because, despite being a slut (she literally slept with every and anyone) she came in between Phai and his crew. At the end of last season and into this one, she was the only other character that had any sort of development. She changed her ways (stopped sleeping around), restored her friendship with Kwan, and was an actual decent girlfriend to Phai. The crap she had to go through this season was insane but also entertaining. Her and Phai, we never got closure to their relationship- did they get back together? The last time we see them is during the graduation party with her sitting outside sobering up and Phai asking is she and her ex doing ok. To which she replies they had broke up. I guess it's up to the viewer to assume they reunited.
~Taoi (Punpun)- talk about no development LIKE NONE AT ALL! She likes a guy, Tar, but (I'm assuming) she just doesn't want to ruin their friendship and denies her feelings when he confesses to her. She ends up with a guy who cheats on her with another guy. She actually never tell him why (she saw them in bed together) but just says she just doesn't love him anymore. It comes to the final episode and we think she is gonna finally confess these feelings she's had since season one to Tar and it's a big ass NOPE! I have never been more frustrated with a character before in my life. Punpun, she's not a strong actress but she plays the bitchy role really well. I don't think this was the right role for her as she has a natural resting bitch face and just always seemed to look annoyed... or she just smelled something hella stank- her face is always scrunched up.
~Tar (Gunn)- one of if not the only best actor in the entire group; he just came off as a natural compared to everyone else. His strong point is that he's loyal and a really good friend, like he loved and defended Taoi from the start but she wasn't having it (he confessed twice, the last episode could be counted as a third one) and to try to get over her he went and got a girlfriend. That was his weak point to me as he still had feelings for Taoi and was essentially hurting his gf. Taoi and Tar's "conclusion" was really the worst because everything came to ahead, he broke up with his gf because he still had feelings for Taoi and in their final conversation it played out like she was going to confess to him, and he was preparing for it only to be let down again. The disappointment on his face was telling and I genuinely felt bad for the kid.
~Dao (Fon)- she is a main character but at the same time she's a support one as she's a year younger than everyone else so she doesn't hang with the main crew but she had a decent story-line. She had sex and a pregnancy scare in the first season and we never see her talk with her parents about it, it just remains a secret for her to keep. This season she gets involved with a girl and her being in denial when it comes to her sexuality. None of that get resolved with her love interest but I'm assuming it does in the final season.

The rest are secondary characters who really don't matter: Phu is bi but struggles with it; loves Taoi and Thee but chooses Taoi; cheats on her with Thee and they break up (he never finds out she saw him in bed with Thee); Thee wants nothing to do with him but they somehow end up together in the last episode? Not sure but they were dancing and singing with each other. Thee gay character in love with Phu but chooses not to be around him cause Phu keeps emotionally hurting him but they somehow end up together.

The music was amazing; nice to hear some Thai rock/ alternative.

If you managed to read all that- MAJOR KUDOS! I would recommend this, assuming you watched season one. Be warned though the mature tag is there for a reason so if even though the main consists of kids, they are participating in ADULT situations.

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rachel rachnxiko
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Jun 28, 2024
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

it's more complicated

rewatching in 2024 and i still enjoy watching it! With the issues getting more complicated, i personally find this season 2 more spectacular. the complexities of love, sexuality, and free socializing are heating up. It focuses on real life teenage issues and the confused life of teenagers. Phai really caught my attention, his character development, though sometimes crossing boundaries but the way he shows responsibility, greatness of heart, and sincerity that truly touched me. Each episode focuses on one of the cast, but does have side scenes of the other members. The final scenes always featuring each character with their families are distinctive. Also i really love Non idk he's so funny and sweet <3

but i think it would have been nice if at least one couple had a healthy and stable relationship where one wasn't still in love with some old flame.

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Nov 8, 2021
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Great second season

Second season was better and much deeper which is rare.
I really had British "Skins" (greatest teen tv series) vibe with second season and last episode of 1th season. Win is much like to Tony and Phai/Sprite are kind of (much) lighter version of Freddie/Effy. These 3 characters were my favorite!

Win's and Phai's episodes were mind blowing! mature deep, amazingly acted and directed/executed.
Other characters also developed good, love/romance wasn't too much (I mean unrealistically romantized) everithing was like real life.

how can same country produce something like that and those vulgar primitive lakorns with middle ages social mentality ???

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Sep 7, 2022
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

Great acting!

As it's now 2022, I'm a little late to the party. Still, the themes are relevant for a high school setting. Typical sex/drugs/rock 'n roll themes are used here. I'm not a huge fan of this much drama, but I wanted to write a review to say how good the acting was. These kids did an amazing job! At no point, in season 1 or 2, did I think about how a line should have been read or how something didn't look realistic, because the acting skills were terrific.

For someone who prefers to watch a fluffy series, I was actually disappointed that all the story lines got wrapped up neatly. That took quite a bit of the realism out of the story. I think Phai was my favorite character, and he got hit with some heavy storyline. There were other characters that I loved as well, but there were also ones that I hated and ended up skimming through. I have to say that I loved Tar's guitar playing.

Again, the acting was phenomenal for season 1 and 2. I am not planning to watch season 3 though, as there is only 1 character I liked enough to watch, and that's not enough for me to continue with such a heavy drama.

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Jan 30, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Great drama ! But same flaws than the first one. For once, the inequalities in the distribution of the characters are felt even more. Basically, for this season 2, I found that some moments were twice as good, you enjoy it, and others, you are really fed up with some characters.
My favorite character is always Toei. Tar is really adorable, little crush ! I really like Sprite too, with Phai.
This time, they approach other themes : drugs, pedophilia, abortion, love triangle, social networks ... and some remained as male but also female homosexuality in this season 2.
So great drama but some lengthiness !

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