Hiroshi Bando works as a credit officer for a large bank. At the bank, opinions are divided over whether an additional loan to a giant supermarket chain should be approved. Hiroshi opposes the loan due to the supermarket's non-existent efforts to restructure. Meanwhile, Vice President of Planning Department, Tetsuya Ninohe, insists on approving the loan. He believes if the supermarket goes bankrupt than it will effect the bank itself. Also, Tetsuya has a strong dislike of Hiroshi. Tetsuya then devises a scheme that will get Hiroshi in trouble. At this time, a store of the giant supermarket chain is blown up. A message from the perpetrator arrives. The bomber demands the resignation of the supermarket CEO, Kozo Kazama. The CEO runs the supermarket in a dictatorial management style. If the demand the bomber's demand is not met, the bomber will carry out more explosions. The supermarket tries to cover up the bomber's demand as they fear the collapse of their company stock. Hiroshi though insists fiercely that the bomber's message should go public. Detective Hiromitsu Yaen begins to suspect a young man named Ko Inunaki as the bomber. Ko Inunaki was at the scene of the crime. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 株価暴落
- Also Known As: Kabuka Boraku , Stock Price Collapse , Stock Crash
- Director: Suzuki Kosuke
- Screenwriter: Masahiro Yoshimoto
- Genres: Mystery, Business
Cast & Credits
- Oda Yuji Main Role
- Seto KojiKo InunakiSupport Role
- Ryu RaitaKazama KozoSupport Role
- Itao ItsujiDetective Yaen HiromitsuSupport Role
- Ishibashi RyoChiharu ZaizenSupport Role
- Ishiguro KenTomobe YusakuSupport Role