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Aug 22, 2024
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Sometimes you have to go on a journey...a blade journey

What a journey this show was. 2+ years ago I started watching this, thought it was terrible and dropped it during the third episode. However I decided to give it another shot because I was in the mood for a wacky show and I wanted to feed my perpetual Lee Dong Wook brainrot. The second time around I enjoyed the show a lot even though much of it is terribly written. The loud, over the top cartoony humor which I found obnoxious back then amused me this time, the show had surprisingly good production values, and despite how dumb it got I was strangely emotionally invested in the story and couldn't stop watching it. The relationship between the ML and his devoted secretary was the highlight. The romance/love triangle of sorts was deeply annoying because it was driven by truckloads of noble idiocy and constant miscommunication. The leads mainly sulk and squabble, there are few actually cute or romantic moments. Watching the last several episodes of this show was like tonguing a canker sore, painful yet irresistible. Don't look for any kind of consistent treatment of the fantasy element either. I'm giving this a much higher rating than it deserves by any objective metric but I have to live my truth, I was transfixed by this train wreck. It was just so weird and its mixture of sincerity and incompetence cast some kind of spell of me.

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GiGi JaZee Jae
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Mar 14, 2022
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Even though this drama was done back in 2014. I had to watch it because I wanted to see what Kim Jae looked like back in the day. Honestly, I enjoyed watching this drama. The only thing I gave fault to was one of the visuals which seemed too fake for me. I had to resist those thoughts because I had to clearly think about what the writers were going for. The storyline was great and of course, I cried just about as much as the lead actresses did. Lee Dong Wook played the character Joo Hong Bin.
I loved his acting because it was kind of different because it convincing of the character he had to play. Shin Se Kyung who played Song Se Dong which I love the character's name, did exceptionally well. I loved it. The kid that played Chang was so cute! I thank all the other actors/actresses for playing their parts. BTW Kim Jae is just as handsome back then as he is now. A lot of maturity and growth with his success. Thank you for this story and all the team of Blade Man who made this drama work.

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Jan 28, 2024
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
This review may contain spoilers

This story is all over the map...

Liked the story but not the acting or directing. It has so much potential though. It just had too much going on and unrealistic reasoning in too many places. It needs a lot of work to be redone properly.

Hong-bin's wardrobe was so ugly!!! The actor should have been respected more and offered a first class stylist. Not this garbage bin style he was left with.

Shin Se-Kyung was the wrong leading lady for this one. Her overacting was horrible to watch and she didn't come off as cute, at all, in my eyes. She successfully came off as sweet and loving as well as sincere but she has zero romance or sex appeal. She really didn't sell me on her love for her leading man. Lee Dong-Wook deserved a better partner for this story because it required so many layers and she was just one dimensional, this time around. She cost this drama a lot of point losses. Some of the losses did come from the directing and writing too, though. I loved her in The Bride of Habaek, just not in this drama, but then again, the writers and directors were crap too.

The music? Like some creepy psycho movie, there were a few really childish songs playing. I know it's likely because this is a fantasy movie, but it played more like a psycho killer doll was going to show up and slash everyone to pieces.

Now, let's go over the medical issues. The character Se-dong keeps fainting and gets dizzy at ridiculous moments. I laughed out loud when the doctor told her she needed counselling for her fainting spells. Heck, I cheered! The only real world explanation for her fainting spells, based on this story would be PTSD but even that doesn't fit the bill. It was just oddly written into the story and acted out poorly.

The ex, too, has a weird medical issue. She's dying because of a bone fragment near a blood vessel, that IF operated on, COULD POTENTIALLY, kill her. She uses her maternal instincts as a reason for not opting for surgery but a real mom would go get that surgery, especially if she already gave up the kid and let him think she was dead. Knowing she could die anyway and with all that pain, surgery is the only option for her. I sure would not want to live without my kid. That was several wasted episodes in themselves.

If it ever gets a remake, I'll take a chance on it and watch it again, but this version, I was happy to be done with.

What's this story about?

Some really mean guy with a bad personality meets a girl who isn't intimidated by him.
She's an orphan
Turns out he has superpowers.
He has a kid with his dead ex girlfriend.
He, of course, falls for the sweet unabashed girl before finding out his ex isn't dead after all.
He hates his father.
His father's old mistress is his housemaid.
The exes parents are old and simple and her mom has dementia.
The medical issues appear and are confusing
The secretary steals the show IMO
The kid's OK, but really not a part of this story much.

The last 60 seconds of the movie are their only great moment in it.

There are too many issues with this one. It sure didn't need 18 episodes. I forced myself to finish watching the whole thing because I am always hopeful things will turn out well, but this one never did.

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Sep 15, 2022
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 4.0

There was SO many tears.

I have a hard time spelling Korean actors names, let alone remembering them, so apologies for that. Although this kdrama aired in 2014, I watched it for the first time (2022) as I am becoming an avid fan of Lee Dong Wook. The musical score is very soothing and I'm trying to locate the title of the instrumental theme that plays thruout the drama. Applause for Shin Se Kyung for keeping her eyes moist by crying in just about every episode. I would like to see more of Han Jung Soo in upcoming Kdramas as well. Personally he should have been called "Logan" as in the Wolverine since he was constantly being injured yet seem to recover quickly.

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May 24, 2022
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


I watched this because I thought it might be cool and I loved Lee Dong Wook in TALE OF THE NINE TAILED and GOBLIN. (I now realized he was typecasted a lot before as not a nice guy and his most recepnt shows tend to have rated better) I started to slowly die halfway through it. I watched it entirely just because I am neurotic and kept hoping it would turn around. I find the FL so annoying. I know some dramas go around in circles but this one took it too far. It got boring very fast and a lot of things that didnt make sense happened. There were a lot of loose ends and it really left a lot of questions unanswered.

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3 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2014
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
I am currently watching this drama.. I think its little bit slow.. Sometimes I am getting bore.. But totally story, Cast & background music is good..

Lee Dong Wook acting is awesome.. Sometimes angry, sometimes funny.. He did the great job
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Jay noona
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2020
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
I'm SOOOOO sorry (lee dong wook)
even for the sake of you i can't tell this is a good drama

in the contrary it's very bad, slow motion, lots of un-necessary details and so draggy starting from ep. 12

the directing was bad they stay at the same scene lots of time till going to the next one
with no need except filling the drama

the story was promising but i didn't enjoy because it gave me the feeling that the events wasn't arranged well
or always something missing although it was full of lots of unworthy details
i start to watch on double speed from ep 12

and as usual weak epilogue and the tragedy should take it's place with no need

what provoked me so much that the housemaid didn't get any punishment
for what she did and still want to do in (Han Da gam) till the girl herself died

this is the third drama i dislike for dong wook although i love him so much :(

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1 people found this review helpful
Jan 7, 2022
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Un Drama mal foutu mais très addictif !

Je suis tombée par hasard sur "Blade man" histoire bizarroïde d'homme et d'épées avec Lee Dong Wook et plein d'autres que je connais aussi !!
Comme je l'ai dit ailleurs, c'est un ODNI(objet dramaesque non identifié !) et on peut en dire beaucoup sauf que c'est ennuyeux !
Alors je vais essayer de donner une commentaire constructif et cohérent sur un drama qui n'est ni l'un ni l'autre .

L'accroche essentielle c'est le phénomène des lames d'acier pouvant sortir du corps de Lee Dong Wok. Bon, c'est bizarre, mais pas plus qu'une actrice devenant quelqu'un d'autre 1 semaine par mois, ou qu'un alien atterrissant à Joseon etc... Si cette capacité étrange était sérieusement exploitée ce serait pas mal après tout, mais pas du tout !
D'abord on ne sait jamais pourquoi il a cette capacité, même farfelue, une explication aurait été bienvenue.
Les scénaristes donnent l'impression d'avoir hésité entre plusieurs raisons vaguement mentionnées : enfance solitaire, père tyrannique, amour brisé... on ne sait pas trop.
Puis par la suite d'autres pouvoirs apparaissent : une force herculéenne, une vitesse de course incroyable, et même... il vole !! Bon c'est une mixture de copies de héros Marvel...

Tout ça ne se produit que quand il est furieux, mais le fait est qu'il l'est tout le temps et pour un rien, c'est la terreur de son entourage, un caractère de chien, coléreux, capricieux, et pourtant personne ne sait le truc des lames d'acier... comme c'est vraisemblable !
Seul son garde du corps, qui le suit partout, le sait et fait tout pour l'aider (ça c'est un côté positif du drama : la fidélité indéfectible du secrétaire Ko, qui joue aussi par moment le rôle du comique de service avec des séquences touchant le burlesque (excellent Han Jung Soo que j'adore depuis Chuno).
Ah oui ! parce que par moment on est dans la comédie romantique basique, le héros (homme adulte et trentenaire) se comporte comme un enfant gâté et un collégien amoureux, changeant totalement le ton du drama.
Tout est instable et variable dans ce drama, un personnage qu'on affirme mort dès le début ne l'est en fait pas et son retour arrive vraiment comme un cheveu sur la soupe n'apportant qu'une incohérence de plus à l'histoire... Cependant cela permet une très belle scène de séparation entre Lee Don Wook et Shin Se Kyung (le fameux (je t'aime mais je dois te rejeter...)"

Il y a d'autres très très belles scènes entre Lee Dong Wok et Shin Se Kyung, et avec l'enfant,  fils de Lee Dong Wok; Rien qu'avec ça on pouvait faire un beau drama sur le deuil, la reconstruction, la maturité acquise par la découverte d'un enfant...

Il y a aussi de belles scènes dans le style fantastique /épouvante et avec ça on pouvait faire un super drama de genre.

Mais les ruptures de rythme et de style sont légions, on passe sans prévenir du tragique au burlesque (un personnage a disparu, angoisses, recherches, soupçons d'enlèvement ... et en fait il a suivi une fille pendant 2 jours parce qu'il a eu un coup de foudre...) ça aurait pu être drôle, ce n'était que farfelu...
Le personnage du père, joué par Kim Kap So, le pauvre, habitué aux rôles de méchants, commence comme le père tyrannique riche et puissant terrorisant ses deux fils... puis peu à peu ça change, mais cette évolution mal écrite et mal exploitée semble simplement une ajout artificiel à l'histoire. C'est le cas de pas mal de personnages, qui arrivent, font 3 petits tours et disparaissent : la méchante gouvernante,  complotiste diabolique au début qui peu à peu se dégonfle comme une baudruche percée, le jeune frère, qui aurait pu avoir une part plus importante dans l'évolution positive du héros, toute l'équipe d'informaticiens...

Donc, donnez moi les 18 épisodes et une paire de ciseaux, et je vous fais 2 dramas de 9 épisodes chacun, l'un dans l'horreur romantique, l'autre dans la résilience romantique !!

Et n’oublions pas de dire un mot sur la garde-robe de Lee Dong Wook, un ramassis d’horreurs comme je n’en avais pas vues au cours de la vision de mes 400 et quelques dramas !! On devrait rouler le(la) styliste dans une natte de paille et le(la) battre vigoureusement (sur les fesses) !! Le coiffeur aussi, tant qu’on y est, pour cette moumoute de boucle amassées comme une toque sur sa tête !
Mais je ne me suis pas ennuyée, à cause justement de ces sauts perpétuels j'avais toujours envie de savoir quel virage inattendu  l'histoire allait il y a quand même le beau visage de Lee Dong Wook, que le photographe doit beaucoup aimer, tant il est souvent mis en valeur par la lumière, les cadrages, et un maquillage valorisant (on leur met souvent trop de rouge à lèvre, je trouve...) si on oublie ses tenues et cet homme serait parfait s’il était un peu moins squelettique !

A vous de voir si l’embarquement vous tente !! Moi je ne l’ai pas regretté, et une bonne copine très réticente au départ non plus !

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Oct 6, 2019
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
Вот как правда писали в отзывах - сумасшедшее кино. И если вначале эта сумасшедшинка таилась в сюжете и игре актеров, то к середине безумие охватило всё - и "логичность" истории и адекватность персонажей и у зрителя (то бишь меня) скептически приподнятая бровь просто приросла на месте, думала, что не исправлю Наверное, охарактеризую то, что происходило на экране одной фразой - треш и угар. Домучила я дораму пару месяцев назад и хотела поматериться от души, но не сложилось. Сейчас я уже остыла и могу сказать только одно - "не тяните каку в рот".
Просто жалко Ли Дон Ука -он такого не заслуживал.

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