27 people found this review helpful
Apr 20, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
So unlike other reviewers I actually didn't like the beginning. It was a little to weird- would have liked it better if we had just known who she was from the start. I think it would have made more sense. I really did not like the 1st episode. In the middle of the series I loved her talking to her old self in the refection. I love the actor who played Sa Geum Ran (Ha Jae Sook) and I liked that we still got to see her. I also liked that they did not change her personality they kind of kept her the same.

What I didn't like was how complicated the simple revenge plot kept getting. She just needed to seek revenge I don't know why people had to go back and forth about what they knew about each other. Near the end It should have built more on what they wanted than to add in the "running away" not running away filler.

What I disliked the most was that everyone seemed Repulsed by Sa Geum Ran, I wish, especially with Han Tae Hee that he would not have been repulsed by her in her "original" form.

Over all though I actually thought it was a pretty good drama overall. Fun, cute and even a little intriguing. The acting was very good, loved and hated almost all the characters. The story had weak points that needed some filler, but it wrapped up well.

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Jun 17, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
So at first I had my doubts about this drama because I half expected it to only promote outside beauty and you that you can only find happiness if you're pretty. I was pleasantly surprised however, that it was more about learning how to accept yourself, overcome obstacles using your own strength, and standing up to your fears. The romance in this was beautiful and I liked how the writer emphasized the two leads finding strength in each other.

plot: So the plot was brilliant. I loved the whole revenge vendetta thing. It kept you glued to the screen waiting to see what big revelation would be unspun next or whose dirty secrets would be revealed. I especially loved the chemistry between the two leads. They made the cutest revenge duo ever. They had so many cute moments together I often found myself laughing out loud and simply grinning from ear to ear as I watched their ridiculous yet heart warming encounters. They made you really want to cheer them on as they struggled and overcame their obstacles together.

characters/actors: First of all, I just want to say, the female lead was gorgeous. I didn't find it hard to believe at all when everyone was calling her a beauty. I also found the female lead before she got plastic surgery adorable in her own way and thought she was a brilliant actress. I loved how the female lead was strong and could handle herself and that she even had the desire and ambition to grow strong and independent so that she could take on her challenges without having to burden anyone else. She wasn't whiny or needy which sometimes happens in dramas so I didn't find myself overly annoyed with her. As for the male lead, all I can say is he was amazing. I loved his and the female lead's adorable little conversations and found their witty banter charming. I especially loved the compliment game.

music: the music was really good. Nothing really caught my attention or stood out but it was appropriate and suited the drama very well. The instrumentals for the super intense/crap just got real scenes were amazing and really built up the intense mood.

overall, I'd say this drama is a must watch! Although i'm still kind of waiting for that very late apology from that grandma (you'll know it when you watch it and then you'll be waiting too) but other than that, it was a beautiful drama about finding yourself and overcoming your obstacles as well as delivering the much deserved justice to a bunch of douchehogs who need to take a few years off to rediscover their humanity.

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11 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2018
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
The best way for me to describe this drama is a train wreck that I couldn't look away from. "Birth of a Beauty" is a romcom that turns quickly into one of the most ridiculous melodramas I have ever seen. The story makes absolutely no sense, and demands that you suspend complete disbelief from the start, yet somehow it still manages to be entertaining enough that I just couldn't bring myself to drop it.

What I think saves this drama is the cast, particularly Joo Sang Wook and Han Ye Seul's chemistry. Han Ye Seul plays Sara, the beauty in the title, who has undergone a complete transformation due to a tragic past. Joo Sang Wook plays Han Tae Hee, who has a mysterious past of his own, and who helps Sara adjust to her new life. They are very cute together, which will probably get romance fans hooked early on, but it doesn't take long before the melodrama takes over, and by the halfway mark romcom fans may be ready to abandon this drama completely.

Eventually cute banter between the two of them (I loved that he calls her Ahjumma) turns into frustrating obstacles filled with clichés. There's also a cast of villains that are really good at being horrible, that inspire an elaborate revenge plot, and the quintessential kdrama battle over the family business. Now I love a good melodrama, but like I said, I think the plot made very little sense, and was full of holes. This is why I had to give the cast a 9. They really are what kept this drama watchable. Sure, some characters were definitely more one dimensional than others, but in such an overdramatic drama, they did managed to keep the story somehow believable enough for me to want to see how it all would all end.

Another issue I had with this drama is that 21 episodes felt way too long. They do manage to pack in lots of extreme plot points, but I think they mostly backfired and made the story start to drag and feel boring. I was tired of getting mad at characters for making dumb choices, watching repetitive scenes between characters, and seeing too many flashbacks. I could not see myself ever watching this drama again, which may seem harsh, but the good parts just weren't good enough for me to want to sit through all of these episodes again.

This drama does attempt to reiterate the idea that what makes a woman beautiful is more than how she looks on the outside, but the problem is that it still makes Ha Jae Sook's looks the punchline of every joke possible. In my opinion she's the real MVP of this drama, and her scenes were the only ones that made me feel even slightly emotional, but I hated the fact that she was basically branded as practically hideous. I can't imagine looking like her and feeling good while watching this, no matter how much this drama tried to make the plot about self acceptance, and inner strength, the damage was already done. Some parts literally felt like a commercial for diet pills.

Overall, I thought this drama was a cute romcom about an unlikely couple overcoming obstacles together, that got hijacked by a bad revenge melodrama. I say this as a person who is normally a fan of epic revenge stories, but this story just made too little sense. By the end, I wasn't disappointed that I completed it, but most of the interest I had in the beginning was long gone. I can't recommend watching this knowing that there are so many other dramas that tell a similar story much better... there are even some dramas that I thought were mediocre but I would recommend them before this one. Still, I didn't hate it, so if you're a fan of anyone in the cast, that might be an incentive to watch this one just to say you did.

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9 people found this review helpful
Jul 8, 2016
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
Birth of a Beauty might be aptly renamed "The Tale of Two Dramas," because the second half of this show could not be more different from the first half. And no, that's not particularly good.

While it started out as a fun rom-com with a campy mystery B-plot, it eventually bought into that campy B-plot completely, abandoning the rom-com aspects that were so strong in the beginning and trying (and mostly failing) to sell itself as a serious thriller drama.

While comparisons can be made to The Count of Monte Cristo, the show itself was more Jekyll and Hyde than anything. This irritating misdirection and mishandling of characters was punctuated by possibly the worst and most unnecessary Noble Idiocy I have yet come across in all of drama. While it's not as insulting as something like Angel Eyes, Birth of a Beauty is still guilty of turning its lead female into a bonehead in order to drum up cheap conflict without having to write something original.

That being said, the premise of the show itself is still not without merit. If you enjoyed The Count of Monte Cristo, you'll enjoy aspects of this as well. A normal, everyday woman is mistreated and, eventually, murdered by those she trusts. Except she survives, transforms herself, and returns to exact retribution on those who did her wrong. However, don't expect it to be as satisfying as Monte Cristo; while that classic slowly seeds his revenge over time and then reveals it mostly in the climax, Birth of a Beauty belabors the revenge plot early on and offers very little satisfying resolution over the course of time. By the time some of the villains have actually tasted justice, I barely noticed, since it was often handled with little dramatic impact and usually the effects of it were only temporary, seeing the villains shortly back to their misdeeds with almost no consequence. Expect to see lots of mustache-twirling here from the innumerable villains and, especially in the back half, multiple minutes per episode of people just looking dramatically at each other after nothing of consequence was said.

You're probably thinking "This sounds worse than a 7/10", but the reason it scored that high is because the romance plot was far superior to the revenge plot. While that, too, was mishandled (badly) in the back half, it was still good enough to keep my wife and I interested throughout. Most viewers will have little trouble buying into the romance here, as JSW and HYS have some SERIOUS chemistry with each other. Not only that, but despite how poorly written the back half is, the resolution and payoff is actually pretty good. While I would have preferred at least an entire episode dedicated to falling action and character send-offs, what you get is good enough.
If, however, you're someone who simply cannot tolerate main characters behaving stupidly, Han Ye Seul's character here will almost certainly have you dropping this before you reach Episode 15.

I never thought I'd see the day where I give a Joo Sang Wook drama less than 8 in this category, but here we are. Not MUCH less than 8, of course, but still. Han Ye Seul is charming and fun, but from what I could see, comedy is her strength. She wasn't bad at all with the dramatic stuff, but I wouldn't say she was good either. Her face seems custom built to smile (literally, perhaps?), and when she is smiling, you could almost really believe that men would follow her around Korea like sheep with a shepherd. However, in her one melo scene, her face contorted so unnaturally that it took both me and my wife right out of the moment. Would definitely love to see more of her in a strictly comedic role. While the aforementioned JSW was, of course, great, even he started dripping into "dry" territory in the back half here. Not his fault; he really just didn't have much to work with in the script. That being said, he is at his comedic BEST in the front half. Many many hilarious moments, the absolute best being when he dresses up as a mariachi with a big fake handlebar mustache and sings (you just have to see it for yourself).

All of this, of course, leads me to our second leads. Wang Ji Hye was probably the second best actor in the show, talent-wise. She handled the subtleties of her character with ease. Again, though, she wasn't given a wide variety of things to do. On the other hand, this is the second drama with Jung Gyu Woon I've seen, and I don't think I've seen his facial expression change once in either drama. He's better here than in Oh My Venus, but only because his character is comically evil. Even with such an extreme character to play, don't expect much from him here.

As for the Supporting Cast, exactly two actors are worth mentioning:
Han Jin Hee plays a stern, loud buffoon for 19 and a half episodes. In his final scene, he is given a touching moment with one of the main characters and he ABSOLUTELY KILLS IT. His character is one of the more interesting and dynamic throughout the plot, despite having very little of consequence to do.
Kang Kyung Hun has the most honest acting moment in the whole show, a throwaway moment barely given time to shine and yet it drew a teardrop or two from both me and my wife.

Weird that I gave this highest marks, but really Wife and I were singing and humming so many different songs from this one. While the incidental music is forgettable, the vocal themes are consistently strong and memorable, especially the opening credits theme, "She" by SHINee. Very catchy.

The first half is immensely rewatchable, honestly. So many cute and fun moments. High-energy, lots of comedy, lots of intrigue. And the very first episode, particularly, is superbly shot and edited. But that back half of this drama.... ouch. It was hard to get through it once, so I can't imagine trying to watch it again. I remember laughing out loud once because there was one particular reaction shot that I think had to be over 60 seconds long. I'm not exaggerating. The camera just stayed on JSW for forever while he looked serious. I imagined JSW in his head thinking "Uh.... is someone gonna say 'cut'.... sometime?" And that right there is par for the course for the second half of Birth of a Beauty. Lots of reaction shots, lots of people staring at each other, lots of villains twirling their mustaches. Not a lot worth seeing beyond a few decent plot points and, of course, the resolution, which really does manage to satisfy and is worth watching a few times.

All in all, if you're in the mood for a good rom-com, exhaust your other options first. If you're in the mood for a thriller, look elsewhere. If you're in the mood for Joo Sang Wook and you've seen his other dramas, dive right in to this one! Despite my serious complaints, there is still an odd charm to the show; an intangible factor that can still hook a viewer. My wife complained about a lot of it, but at the end said "You know, I still liked this." I can't say I disagree. You may have the same reaction, so don't be afraid to give it a shot.

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32 people found this review helpful
Jan 22, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
It is a romantic comedy dealing with supposedly a mature couple but acting like kids. After a while it has just lost its momentum... And the acting became repetitive, to the point that it is silly and irritating. There is nothing new with the plot - revenge, jealousy and power. If you do not watch this your not missing anything.
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12 people found this review helpful
Mar 30, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
I did not know what drama I wanted to watch next, so I picked Birth of a beauty. Was not sure what to expect so I read the reviews first. From many people I got a sense that the story should be shorter, it was boring, acting was not so good etc. I decided to watch it, and to my surprise I liked it much better than expected! Actually the end did not drag and it was quite interesting. Of course a lot of things were kind of out of reality aspect but that did not bother me at all. Master's Sun was unreal too and I loved it! LOL
I loved both male leads - they were handsome, acting was good and plot too. For me 21 episodes was just right, and I did not skip. In fact I think people who skipped the episodes missed a lot as there was quite few interestings things to the story, so don't skip even if it seems slow to you.
This drama made me satisfied, the ending was as I would like, the main leads acted ok and the topic was interesting. I would like if she did not have so many plastic surgeries and instead perhaps went through half half of exercise, diet and reconstructive surgery, but it is what it is.
For me I have nothing negative to say about this drama. It was good. It did not grab me like other dramas, but I also have seen worse dramas than that.
I gave 8 rating value because I think if you give it a chance you will like it.
I loved the music in this drama. It grabbed me as OST from Secret Garden or Master's Sun. I really like the lyrics and the songs :)

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8 people found this review helpful
Jul 20, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
I actually really liked this drama. I loved how the story progressed and it doesnt have much drama to begin with. It's a romcom, so there are parts that are really hilarious! The storyline isn't too heavy and mature. There were parts that were pretty intense. The female lead is really pretty and the male lead is quite handsome too.

I had to skip episode 19 because it was too painful to watch. Like why would sara do that to him???? I dont find it reasonable. I also cried at some parts because it was just too painful. My feelings were all over the place! The fact that it made me cry and laugh, it means that i was really moved by their acting! i really consider this drama worth watching.

Although i think it could have been better if the drama ended with 16 episodes so that the story doesnt seem to be dragged out in the end but either way, i enjoyed the drama. Finished it in 4 days.

As for the romance part, i dont want to spoil anything but the guy was just too sweet. You guys have to witness that! Haha

I could have given this a 10/10 but i had to point out sara's acting. I know she's pretty but most of the time i think she's trying too hard. Like she's acting too "cute" that it becomes really annoying.

Over all, i really liked the drama and i would recommend it. It brought me tears, laughter, hate, and excitement.

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Dee Mulligan
12 people found this review helpful
Jan 16, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
This drama's first few episodes were so great! I found myself recommending it to all of my friends that watch K-dramas and even some that don't. But after a while it become so boring! I'm having a hard time finishing episodes 16-20, which rarely happens for me, as an avid binge watcher of dramas. I will finish it soon and give it a rating of maybe 6 or 7 out of ten, just because it has a nice story line and it started off with episodes that really grabbed my attention.
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13 people found this review helpful
Jan 12, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
To be honest, when I started this drama, I didn't have very high hopes for it. I expected lighthearted nonsense and that it wouldn't be anything special. I must that I am pleasantly surprised and very happy to be adding this one to my favourites.
If you're looking for a cute rom-com that will have you smiling throughout while at the same time having you ready to pull your hair out in frustration but will keep you interested overall - this is it.

STORY - 7.0/10
I'll say it right off the bat - if you're looking for a drama with completely sound logic, this is not it. There are several lapses in logic throughout the drama, mainly the beginning but if you're like me and just going with the flow, it won't bother you very much. The story is full of k-drama clichés that again you'll need to ignore. Also, in my opinion, the drama dealt with the issue of plastic surgery and body appearance very lightheartedly so again, if you feel strongly about these issues, this may not be a drama you'd like.
However, there are many good points in the story from the main couple romance to the baddies whose hair you'll gladly be ready to pull out. The story blossoms beautifully, evolving from one point to the next with some speed bumps along the way. It keeps you hooked and interested especially in the first few episodes. There's also a lot of fluffy and adorable moments between the main couple.

ACTING/CAST - 9.0/10
This is the first time I've seen any of these actors and actresses (with the exception of the veteran actors) and I have to say, this cast was brilliant. I loved Joo Sang Wook to pieces in this. Han Ye Seul and he have wonderful chemistry that kept me enthralled from episode 1. Wang Ji Hye did her role as Chae Yun quite well since I don't think I've ever disliked a character so intensely. Jung Gyu Woon as Lee Kang Joon was very entertaining as well.

MUSIC - 8.0/10
The OST is actually quite good and the music throughout the drama was appropriate. I'm definitely downloading some of these songs.

I'd definitely rewatch this drama someday (maybe sooner than I think) because I really enjoyed the romance and comedy plus the bit of hilarity and ridiculousness that came with it!

OVERALL - 9.0/10
I enjoyed this one immensely. If you like a drama with romance, comedy and fluffiness with a hint of revenge and k-drama craziness, you'd probably like this one.

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9 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2015
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
Birth of a Beauty easily became one of my all-time favorite kdramas. I enjoyed this drama immensely. I was completely taken aback by how much i enjoyed this drama, I honest to God put all my other dramas on hold because everything else just paled in comparison. Birth of a Beauty was never on my plan to watch list, I only started it because I was waiting for another one of my dramas to get subbed, and I can't tell you how glad I am that I gave this drama a chance. I've seen a lot of complaints from some people who claim that this drama is boring, draggy, and total makjang, but those same people are the ones who rated Boys Before Flowers, Personal Taste, Coffee Prince, and Playful Kiss highly (all of which are all those things). Haters gonna hate, that's all I can say about that.

Storywise, I thought Birth of a Beauty was gonna be similar to the korean movie 200 Pounds Beauty. While it is similar in some aspects, Birth of a Beauty takes its storyline above and beyond. I was expecting this to be a lighthearted drama, full of fluff to satisfy my craving, but it ended up being so much more. There were twists, it even got kinda dark. Sa Geum Ran is fat and ugly (even though i don't think she's ugly at all) and finds out that her husband Lee Kang Joon has been cheating on her. She ends up going to Han Tae Hee for help getting a full body plastic surgery, and if I say any more I'll totally spoil this drama. I know the plot sounds so shallow and superficial, as if BoaB is promoting plastic surgery, but i don't really think so. If you watch this drama and that's the only thing you walked away with, you've missed the whole point. BoaB is about discovering your true self and loving yourself completely for who you are. Sara/Sa Geum Ran is my favorite character in this drama, I love her even more than I love Han Tae Hee, and it really hurts me to see people calling this character stupid just because she acts like a normal human being. Anyways, I ended up rating the story a 9 because it wasn't the typical makeover/plastic surgery storyline I was expecting, and because it had to potential to be much greater.

Acting/Cast wise, it's a 10. I doubt I'm gonna get any arguments there. Cast was perfection. Han Ye Seul had chemistry with all of her male co-stars, that I actually shipped her with everyone! Jung Gyu Woon was such a sexy evil asshole, omg, he played that character with absolute swag. I loved everyone! Everyone suited there roles and did an excellent job at portraying their characters. Even that evil character Chae Yeon, played by Wang Ji Hye (no one else could have played her). I have no complaints in this department.

Music is absolutely perfect! The OST matched the drama soooooo perfectly. The music that they played when a scene was getting intense, or funny, or cute omg sooooo perfect. I'm just smiling recalling it all. I need to go download it. And, it's all catchy as hell. For the duration of this drama I kept singing the theme song lol. It was annoying to my sister, but i don't care, i loved it!

The rewatch value is a 9 for me. I was so obsessed with this drama at the beginning, I basically lived and breathed Birth of a Beauty. My every thought was about Birth of a Beauty. When I first started watching, I think there were only 5 or 6 eps out, I marathoned all of those, and then kept rewatching those eps until a new ep would come out. I loved this drama so much that I'd watch the raw version first, then I'd watch it subbed. I did all of this until about ep 14-16 (can't remember which ep). I started watching it raw again by ep 19-20, cuz that's when it started picking up again. See, the thing about Birth of a Beauty is that the first half of this drama was so powerful, that I don't think anyone was prepared for when the later episodes slowly started declining in quality (storywise). "Noble idiocy" played a major role, but all of that gets fixed by ep 18-19. Honestly, if you just understand the character's motivations, you'll be able to bear it. That's why I rated the rewatch value so high. This is definitely a drama I can see myself rewatching (I basically did).

Birth of a Beauty easily could have gotten a rating of 10 from me. Easily. But those later episodes messed it up. I base all my ratings off of my enjoyment, what emotions I walk away with and how strongly I feel them. It's hard to choose between a 9 or an 8.5, but thinking of how I rated all the other dramas I've seen, imma give it an 8.5. I enjoyed it immensely, but it wasn't perfect. It's actually the only drama in my all time favorite's list that I didn't give a 10. Hmm, funny. Anyways, I'd totally recommend this drama to everyone, but the sad truth is that I don't think it's everyone's cup of tea. But if you are in the mood for a rom-com, for a cutesy drama, I definitely definitely definitely recommend this drama. Oh, I forgot to mention the number one reason why I love this drama so much. IT SATISFIES MY NEED FOR REVENGE. The ending is very satisfying, granted it could have been way more satisfying, but satisfying nonetheless. I love this drama. I love it to the bottom core of my heart. Birth of a Beauty will always have a residence in my heart.

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6 people found this review helpful
Dec 3, 2018
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 2.0
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 4.0
This show is vain, problematic and represents something very very negative. Firstly it fat shames; it basically says because the lead was overweight she held less value in society and to her loved ones. They made her smell, sweat excessively, break chairs and act clumsy. It's sickening! And NOT TRUE
She WAS beautiful to begin with, why must they put a disgusting emphasis on plastic surgery?! Couldn't they have kept the lead and given her a makeover (new wardrobe, flattering hair and makeup). Does anybody remember the backlash the netflix show Insatiable got for following a similar plot? Well this show is a hell of a lot worse.
I get it the story is FUN - I do like the revenge aspect, the two leads chemistry ect. But I can't get over the bizarre message they are conveying, you CAN be beautiful, worthy of a partner, worthy of love and success regardless of your weight. Plastic surgery is a big decision and it's conveyed so unrealistically in this mess of a show - apparently it not only changes your face, teeth, hair, VOICE & body but it also does all with NO surgical scars. Ugh. What a sad world this is becoming.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jun 18, 2016
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
Finally finished this '14 hit series. Am I glad I did? Yes! Was heavily invested and or cared? Not Really.

Story: Combination of Cinderella, Pretty Woman and Taming of the Shrew. An outcast, Plus-Sized, loving and devoted woman marries a handsome gold-digging man who proceeds to cheat all the while his family is abusive - all while she smiles and keeps going. She has a one-sided belief in their marriage vows, while hubby is cheating and plundering all he can. Murder, attempted murder, betrayal, lies, plastic surgery and a lonely man, what a wonderful combo. The story held me up to about eps14-15 where she is discovering her old self, new self and deciding her future self. Then the story just gets needlessly cruel and draggy with revenge. We get it writers, you needed a series of lots of evil & low moral folks surrounding a good woman. This series should have been 16eps. The remaining 5eps are just aggravating and formulaic - even the fairy tale ending... *blerg*

Acting: Female lead was entertaining, juxtaposing new & old beauty eps 1-14. After awhile she was overly treacle playing the victim role. Male lead was solid and unwavering (much better actor). The host of evil folks - all seemed too easy for them to portray flawlessly and unforgiving.

Music: I liked and catchy opening OST
ReWatch: Once was enough.

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