This story revolves around a father (Chung Bong) and son (Chi Leung) small business real estate agency. Chung Bong, now 60 years old, officially retired from the Sing Sat Real Estate Agency and has handed over the family business to his son, Chi Leung. Regrettably, he sees his son shadowing his footsteps, choosing business over taking care of his personal affairs such as starting a family and taking care of his health. The only thing Chung Bong can do is silently support him from behind. Having been known around the Sheung Wan neighborhood for generations, they know a lot of old folks with old money but giant corporate real estate agencies are now trying to invade into this undisturbed territory just to get a piece of icing out of the cake. Differences in their philosophical and management ideals will be put to test to see if this small business can survive. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 樓住有情人
- Also Known As: Lau Chu Yau Ching Yan / Lou Zhu You Qing Ren
- Genres: Business, Romance, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Yoyo MungTsui Ji Ling (Elaine)Main Role
- Lawrence Ng Main Role
- Halina TamChau Ching Yan (Joey)Support Role
- Jason LamHuiSupport Role
- Eric Chung Support Role
- Chung King FaiChung BongSupport Role