its true i have a thing for dark and twisted, but if u r really sensitive to psychological problems DO NOT WATCH
BUT i want say, the acting with so and so for the second male lead. the first lead with the psychological thing
is what made this movie as it is "dark and twisted" its actually discussing a serious deep psychological s**t!
its really worth to watch IF and only IF you wanna understand how people with this kinda mental illness develope
these kind of behaviors.
I like the story, only if it was really developed, cz its missing ALOT. the leads could have more acting lessons and training.
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the synopsis is misleading. there is definitely no romance between the teacher and his student. this is a about a teacher traumatized when he was a child and then later develop sexual desires to young students. more like he is re-living his past turning him to phedophile of some sort
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Well Written and Acted
The movie is incredibly desturbing and contains themes of pëdophilia. It's a must watch if you want to feel incredibly uncomfortable. The use of the people in masks as a symbol of trauma was such an unsettling form of art, it was amazing. I actually really enjoyed the movie. There's so many hidden plot points you really have to pay attention to to understand the movie in its entirety. Its a movie you may need to watch more than once to fully understand. The plot moves fast and there's a lot to take in. I do recommend the movie, but only if you can mentally handle it.Was this review helpful to you?
Z tohoto filmu jsem mírně v rozpacích, ne tak, že bych chtěl dát nízké hodnocení. Tvůrci jistě věděli, proč zrovna takto to vytvořili, ale já jsem dlouhou dobu neměl za co snímek uchopit. Zachránili to sympatičtí herci. Přesto bych zřejmě film prostříhal na středněmetrážní nebo vyloženě krátký film.
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