The story revolves around Kansai-area high school boys Seto and Utsumi, particularly their completely normal but comedic chats after school. The manga was nominated for the 18th Annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize "Reader Award" in 2014 Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: セトウツミ
- Also Known As: Seto Utsumi , Setou Tsumi , Seto and Utsumi
- Screenwriter & Director: Omori Tatsushi
- Screenwriter: Kazuya Konomoto, Miyazaki Dai
- Genres: Comedy, Life, Youth
Where to Watch Setoutsumi
Ppv (sub)
Cast & Credits
- Suda Masaki Main Role
- Ikematsu Sosuke Main Role
- Nakajo AyamiIchigo KashimuraSupport Role
- Okayama AmaneTsutsumiSupport Role
- Uno ShoheiBalloon-sanSupport Role
- Matsumoto TakuyaOhashiSupport Role