This is a scripted drama series by the same production company as the series and same director as the feature film. One of the panelists, Ito Kitaro, from Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City and Terrace House: Aloha State plays a featured character, and there are three other Terrace House cameos as well. Every episode ends with the closing door sound effect used in all the other Terrace House series.
Similarly the lesbian couple "koi and dao" in hormones season 2 and season 3 had a cute happy ending feels~ and that they're parents and friends shows acceptance in them and they also have a developing character that you will begin to love at the end. And they are same in having right amount of sweetness and drama.
They both have a sweet, cute, a good amount of drama and especially a happy ending. Both have a development in one of the main character that at start you might not like them but they will change adorably cute on giving a try for the one they love. And they both have acceptance from their friends and parents at the end.