Dropped 9/20
1 people found this review helpful
Sep 2, 2021
9 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 2.5


This drama was quite promising, so I had big expectations. The first two episodes were really boring but it became super fun! However around episode 8 it just became soo boring again I. I finished episode 9 and never really came back to it. I might finish it one day, who knows.

Honestly, for a drama full of famous actors, the acting wasn’t too amusing. Especially the FL.. it wasn’t just her acting, but the character as a whole. Some of the side characters were quite funny and the second couple was pretty interesting, that’s the only reason why I gave them this rating.

The story seemed really great, but as the show progressed, the plot got too messy and repetitive. Most kdramas tend to get a little boring after the second half, but this was just unbearable.. not to mention the second male lead syndrome. The main leads were technically siblings (at least the FL thought so from what I remember), so the romance was just kind of weird.

One good thing about this drama were the OST’s. One of my all time favourite soundtracks.

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Oct 27, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Worth watching!!

So… I started watching this drama because of Kim Taehyung. I came in with zero expectations since I didn’t know any of the other actors on the show (wasn’t a k-drama fan at the time) and only had a vague idea of the plot.

Let me tell you, I thoroughly enjoyed this drama! It was a bit more violent than I was expecting (I was expecting a romcom for some reason!) but I thought all the actors did a brilliant job. I was highly engaged throughout. I liked the way the Hwarangs matured, grew closer to each other and developed a tight bond. You can’t help but fall in love with all of them!

I watched the series again after bingeing through a few other KDramas and I enjoyed it the second time too. It was good to hone in on the finer details that I missed the first time I watched it.

Overall, a pleasant surprise and a drama that I not only highly recommend, but also will certainly watch again in the future!

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Ongoing 20/20
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Jul 28, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.5
This review may contain spoilers

had to put this on hold

I decided I had to put it on hold while I decide on whether I want to carry on watching it. this is due to the fact that the character that V (BTS) plays dies. I didn't know this until someone told me and he is the reason I was watching it in the first place.
The plot for it seems to be ok. there is quite a few funny parts in it that made me have a good giggle. I would recommend this to people to watch if they have nothing else to watch. overeall, with what I have seen it is a good watch. might not be something I go and rewatching over and over (if I ever finish it lol)

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Jan 14, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers
Enjoyed the five leads very much, especially the two Mr. Parks. Seo Joon appears to be a born leader, who while very modest and an introvert, acts with complete abandon in his roles. I watch because he's an actor able to ‘become’ whomever he portrays. After the first few moments, Seo Joon is forgotten and only the character in the story remains. He has spoken of his "plain face" several times and, as a portrait artist, I agree, yet his personality always reveals the inner man to light the outer with that sensational smile, which is transforming. He might not be noticed on the street if he were not famous, yet having found this outlet, he is unforgettable and, naturally, he’s well-loved by those with whom he knows via his work and by his fans worldwide. As a whole individual, he is irresistible. Unfortunately, this is always a two-sided coin in the world today with adoration sometimes being as questionable in extreme alone with those whose fantasies are not normal.

I thought that Park Hyung Shik was excellent as the multilayered Emperor in Waiting; he demonstrated a restraint at times when we could feel his fury at being turned out as a child with only one individual to support him. No matter how devoted, kind, or brave his Aide-de-Camp, he had loss everything from stability to a mother's love and protection, with her apparent care going to politics. Even when he visits on occasion, she is more enemy than even a distant relative. Hyung Shik gives us a complete range of a Crown Prince with excellent genes who is constantly on a tight rope in a forbidden and forbidding landscape. I felt Sam Maek’s quiet despair in couple scenes with Seo Joon that were each a bit heart rendering: (1) when he asks Sun Woo Rang what he will do when the Emperor is found, to which the cold gaze and freezing response is that he will kill ruler asap because the Emperor ordered his best friend’s death; and (2) as he watched Soo Woo “become the ‘King’” with full, very-believable, personal power during their visit to the neighboring country. It was as if his interior structure of bravado crumbled, yet we only see it in his eyes and the smallest change of expression.

Evidently, Seo Joon and Hyung Shik are close friends, but during this series there is no sense of their real-life situation. Within the series - before, during, and after their time at the Hwarang Academy, the competition between the two characters is normal intense (whether positive or negative) and their initial sword fight through the barn with revolving doors was fierce. I found them equally able to become the warrior one would expect in that time.

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GiGi JaZee Jae
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Feb 3, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I loved the storyline! The love of a friend that one grows up with and considers a brother, that's deep. Again, Park Seo Joon who played Moo Myung (Seonu) is great at acting. Very strong personality to get this role correct. He is one of my top 10 Korean Actors. The other actor that did really well was Park Hyung Shik, even though, he had to play a character who was not confident in himself, he did it well. Those roles are harder to perform than any other part. PHS can sing and I love the song he sang for Hwarang named "I'll be Here". Go Ah Ra who played Ah Ro, Not only did she act very well but her whole stature changed for this role.

The only flaw I viewed was the last episode where the main two lead characters ended up with each other but then all of sudden 6 months passed. You know how they put on the screen at times "6 mos later", well, they didn't have that this time or I must've blinked and missed it... where did he go for six months?

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Oct 6, 2019
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers
Решила тесное знакомство с Силлой я начать с этакой недавней безделушки. Я ее смотрела онгоингом, поэтому пересмотр прошел быстро и, как вы поняли, с изрядной долей перемотки. Но однако вот сейчас, все-таки при всей развлекательности картинки, все же видны те правильные исторические факты, которые присутствуют в сериале. Во первых, конечно, это вечная корейская игра - противостояние клик, однако пока еще есть возможность просто заменять короля, потому что так уж складывалось и в Силле - власть не одной семьи, а у многих семей-основателей (как и в Когуре и Пэкче). Но тут изюминкой есть еще идея "святой кости", по сути закрытой кастовой системы, чего не наблюдалось в двух вышеназванных государствах. И эта система довольно плотно завязана на религии и мистицизме, что тоже отличает это государство от остальных. Поэтому появление такого оригинального явления как хвараны могло произойти только в этой стране. В «Самгук юса» («Достопамятные события Трех государств») также сказано, что, после того как в правление государя Чинхын-еака упразднили вонхва, все же поняли, что стране не обойтись без «Пути ветров и луны» (выражение, символизирующее красоту природы). Поэтому из семей уважаемых людей начали отбирать красивых молодых людей достойного поведения, которых называли хваран, а их руководителей — солъволлан («изначальный цветок полыни»)— стали почитать за «государственных святых». Реальную цель этой организации многие историки называют разной: от военной дружины, до поддержания общественного тонуса в стране. Однако одно ясно точно - сделав эту организацию престижной и статусной, правитель хитро ограничивал власть своего окружения, держа их детей при себе.
По роду деятельности организация хваранов была не военной, а, скорее, воспитательно-тренировочной с элементами военной подготовки. Выделяют три основных вида деятельности хваранов: 1) закалка души и тела через изучение морали и постижение Пути; 2) изучение песен, музыки, сочинение стихов; 3) путешествие по стране в поисках красивых гор и речных потоков. Интересно отметить, что у хваранов было принято разрисовывать лицо. Нанесение грима объясняют либо желанием быть больше похожим на женщину, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание и помощь различных духов, либо непосредственным влиянием шаманизма: раскрашивание лица и есть акт становления шаманом. Вот видите -война тут не главное и влияние на профессиональные войска хвараны вряд ли имели, но Статусность, в таком шаманско-обрядовом ярком государстве была не менее важным делом, чем реальная власть. Пусть играются.
История в сериале как раз о начале хваранов, все просто и незатейливо, камера любуется актерами, мы тоже. Кстати, Пак Хён Сика я разглядела именно в этой дораме. Старший каст - сплошняком "монстры". Ким Чжи Су как королева была хороша, внезапно разглядела Ли Кю Хёна, который так прекрасно "выстрелил" в Secret Forest. Пак Со Джун справился, бонусом мелькнули Кван Су и Ви.
А институт хваранов просуществовал со времени правления короля Чинхын-вана (540-575) до царствования королевы Чинсон-нёван (887-896), когда Силлы не стало. 350 лет довольно большой срок.

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Jul 26, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 3.5

Un drama storico diverso,molto più di una storia d'amore.

Un drama storico in costume un po' diverso dove la trama si concentra non solo sulla storia d'amore ma anche sui legami che si creano tra i personaggi.
Molto gradevole da vedere e mi sono piaciuti molto questi hwarang bellissimi che creano un legame di amicizia che va al di là dei ranghi.
Molto bello e pure bravo il futuro re e tutta la lotta che farà per diventarlo.Ho amato lei con i suoi modi di fare e la sua forza di volontà.Ho persino rivalutato la regina.
Un mix di tutto tra un amore bello e alla fine anche forte,il triangolo amoroso,la rivalità tra i personaggi e la grande e bellissima amicizia che ne verrà fuori.Tante risate ma anche un po' di lacrime.Ci sono un po' di colpi di scena che fanno tutto più interessante.
Bel drama da vedere sicuramente.

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Jan 29, 2024
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Mi primer Kdrama

Es el drama que más veces vi en mi vida, y sin embargo siempre que lo hice me gustó. Las actuaciones son excelentes pero si hay algo que no soporté fue la historia de amor y a la protagonista femenina. Ahro, a día de hoy, años después, sigue siendo el personaje más fastidioso. Siento que la historia podría ser igual de buena e interesante sin ella. Me interesaba un montón saber qué iba a pasar, era un drama que no dejaba de sorprenderme y amaría poder volver a verlo como la primera vez.
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Nonna Grace
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 25, 2024
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

tra le mie preferite

"Nessuna strada è nata per essere una via fin dall'inizio, qualcuno vi ha dovuto camminare, perché diventasse tale".
Hwarang è un drama storico, con una trama avvincente, ricca di romanticismo, cameratismo, duelli e rocambolesche avventure contenuti positivi, attori centrati, bellissimi e bravi, bella fotografia.
L'ho rivista una seconda volta e mi è piaciuta ancora di più ... top!
La consiglio a tutti a partire da 14 anni (c'è parecchia violenza e sopraffazione degli umili).
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Valentina Ortiz
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 3, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Que grata sorpresa

Se que este es un titulo viejo, pero a mi nunca me interesó, solo la empecé a ver porque estaba en Netflix.
Él me gusta en sus papeles, pero a ella, le tengo idea, ya que siento que sobre actúa todos sus roles y ni te cuento de la lloradera, me imagino que es famosa por eso y le dan papeles en los que pueda desarrollar sus dotes Nuestro príncipe, es un chico lindo, que solo lo vi en una serie, me sorprendió bastante bien aqui. Ahora lo que me dejo emocionada eran todos los demás actores, todos senior me encantan, creo que son grandes actores.
Al principio no le hice mucho caso, la mire como una mas, ya que se notó desde el principio lo light que era. En especial por la musica que ponían. Digo Light porque después de algo dramático inmediatamente hacían algo para reir, se veia claramente que no querían que fuera muy dramático.
El triangulo amoroso, me encantó, ustedes no se imaginan la ansiedad de saber con quien se quedaba, todo tenia logica pero en el fondo los dos eran tan buenos como pareja que yo no me queria decidir, entonces mis expectativas estaban llenas de ansiedad, hasta el ultimo capitulo.
De verdad la recomiendo, es entretenida, salen chicos lindos, la historia no es tan cruel, y si de alguno modo lo es, no la muestran tan trágica. Recomiendo esta serie, no como de culto, sino porque me entretuvo mucho.

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Feb 18, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Wow che spettacolo!!!!

Il primo drama storico che guardo e mi è piaciuto tantissimo.
La trama è articolata e accattivante. Si passa da momenti divertenti a momenti drammatici a momenti romantici senza mai perdere l’autenticità della storia.
Ho amato tutti i Hwarang, guerrieri di Silla. Il cast è spettacolare, pieno di volti noti a partire dal mio amato Park Seo Joon, che come sempre è perfetto nella parte. Poi c’è Park Hyung Shik (idol del gruppo ZE:A) che nella parte del principe tormentato è stato bravissimo, Choi Minho (idol degli SHINee) e V (idol dei BTS).
La cosa che ho amato di più di questo drama è stata l’importanza che viene data all’amicizia. I protagonisti, sarà perché sono vicini anche nella vita reale, sono riusciti a rappresentare al meglio il valore e la forza della vera amicizia.
Un drama da vedere per la storia ricca di azione, colpi di scena e tanti sentimenti. Ma anche perché è pieno di tantissimi gnocchi coreani.

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Oct 16, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

Grande delusione

Avevo sentito parlare benissimo di questo drama e guardandolo sono rimasta molto delusa, specialmente nella prima parte del drama.

La trama partiva con buone premesse ma poi è andata perdendosi in tante scene no-sense, allungamenti di brodo inutili e dispersivi che hanno tolto attenzione dalla parte davvero interessante che è stata gestita malamente. Per la maggior parte del drama mi son trovata a pensare "ma di questa cosa perché dovrebbe interessarmi?"
Nella parte finale poi troviamo un plot twist interessante che però... finisce e si risolve nel giro di poco buttando così una splendida occasione

I personaggi sono incredibilmente incoerenti. Partono in un modo, si presentano con certe caratteristiche e poi si comportando in modo totalmente opposto. Gli attori sono molto bravi ma non riescono a salvare dei personaggi scritti molto male. Park Seo Joon, che ho molto apprezzato in altri drama, qua l'ho trovato nella maggior parte delle scene spento, fatta eccezione per le scene drammatiche dove ha fatto brillare le sue capacità. Ho invece molto apprezzato Park Hyung Sik che credo sia riuscito a dare più spessore al suo personaggio (che ho amato ma che avrebbero potuto gestire meglio).

I personaggi secondari sono anch'essi nati con ottime premesse ma poi gestiti malissimo. Esempio d'eccezione Suk Han Sung che hanno prima rilegato a macchietta comica, poi gli hanno dato una storia molto bella e profonda per poi... concludere in quattro e quattr'otto.

Che dire... I personaggi partono sapendo una cosa per certa, poi se ne scordano e poi SORPRESA! Non ho apprezzato la gestione del triangolo e anche il personaggio protagonista femminile non l'ho trovato davvero non all'altezza, ho infatti preferito di gran lunga la coppia secondaria (che ovviamente è stata tirata via).

È una recensione arrabbiata? sì. Detesto quando una storia con buone premesse presenta queste problematiche che compromettono l'esperienza della visione.

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Hwarang (2016) poster



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