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The story was kind of intersting at the beggeinging but then it started to be more confusing as you go along. The ending was the bit where I didn't like and I hope that there will be another season ouse I am so confused right now with what is happened.
The music wasn't that muh as there wasn't much of it.
In my opinion, the acting was ok. I have only with this series because of the actresses as I have watched a couple of other series for them and they were waaay better than this.
I think that I am not going to rewatch it again but it there will be another season I think I will watch it.
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Strange but strangely enjoyable in some ways
The are some rather strange things about this series. First of all, it is absurdly lighthearted for a story that involves the mysterious deaths (likely murders) of two students in a school, with a few more being harmed in rather violent ways. It even has a student (not even 18, I think) apparently prostituting herself to a man old enough to be her father (well, he's literally old enough to be her father because he does turn out to be her schoolmate's father). Then there are the apparently uncaring teachers and some rather inconsistent characters.But I won't really say that the series is terrible either. It's enjoyable in some a B-movie sort of way. It does turn out to be fairly suspenseful though I do get a lingering sense that things are made up and improvised along the way -- it does not feel like I'm watching a nicely constructed story unfolding. The mystery gets solved and un-solved (and I don't just mean that it remains unsolved) at the end.
The "solving" of the mystery is certainly not satisfactory. The revelation of the culprit(s) is unconvincing because it doesn't explain how the second girl who is killed gets killed, and it's bizarre that classmates would send a culprit behind so much trouble sweet little notes urging the person to get well and return to school.
Then the mystery gets un-solved eventually. What I mean is that there is a twist and it turns out that the mystery hasn't really been solved. It is strange because the twist comes in a side story (right at the end of the final episode), something which is usually reserved for fluff and/or product placements. I'm not exactly averse to such a move, but it would only be brilliant if both the solving of the mystery and the un-solving of the mystery are convincing and executed with finesse.
There is one BL couple in the series (Song and Ming), together with plenty of moments of BL fan service (Pound and Joemy; Kyumin and Ricky). The BL couple is rather cute and while there is a fair bit of attention on them, I did wish there had been more of them instead of all the bitching and rivalry amongst the female students. Yes, this is one of the series that are sexist in the way they portray female characters to be often full of bitchiness (despite being more complex), unlike the more innocent and simple male characters. So be warned.
There are some moments of meaningless digressions that I can't really make sense of, such as the moments with this girl and some doctor she's obsessed with. Some parts are pointless and even exploitative, such as the scene in which the male students, not wearing any clothes, are taking a shower together in a tiny cubicle. In the last episode, there is even a scene in which Ricky and Kyumin come out of the same toilet cubicle one after another: Ricky looks at Kyumin and points at his own cheek. I thought he is asking for a kiss, but he is ... well, actually telling Kyumin about the white liquid substance on his (Kyumin's) face. Yeah, I so absolutely convinced that's a moisturizer or some skincare product because Ricky used to sell skincare products, haha.
I started watching this series because I wanted to see more of Ohm Pawat's acting, but while he doesn't disappoint, I must say Tonson who acts as Pimp (what a name!) impresses me the most. She can look affected, devious, victimized and yet still seem convincingly innocent when the situation calls for it. The character is a little inscrutable, but Tonson has managed to bring out all the aspects of the character very well.
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this has a lot a lot of spoilers from the last ep so pls dot read if you don't wanna know yet I don't wanna ruin everything for youI just???????????? make it make sense why it ended like that?? the last episode was very unclear to me, I was led to believe Ming was the murderer until at the end (after the credits!!) him and Song talked about who the murderer could be bc it wasn't him.... who tf was the girl took off the mask at the pool???? AND WHY WHY WHY did Joemy die in the last 5 seconds. I thought it was fine cause it said there was a second season,,, until I looked up and it says its not coming out till December this year (2020) ?!?!?!? this was filmed in 2016 how you gon do that to us.... AND the cast is being completely changed? what in the worlds going on. anyways It was a good drama I really loved the script not including what I just explained. Also the cast- chefs kiss, amazing showstopiing!! OH I FORGOT,,,,,,,, where the heck was the school play?? idk if it got cancelled bc of what happened that night but they were still reading the script in the last episode??? and half the drama was them preparing for it. just feel like its very unfinished and got many many holes but I don't regret watching it. Love my mans Ohm and Nawat in the same drama ?
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Last Episode hints for Next Season. This story cant end like that! It has to be continued.
Music is superb (lyrics of OST arent fitting the music up to the mark though).
Aside from the main plot, Series is very entertaining coz of wars of Queens, Love of SongXMing (As I started this for seeing BL lol) ! and loads of side stories.
After first 4 episodes, you will drown in their story coz you will know the true flavours of this unique series.
I bet, apart from last episode where confusions can arrive on top of your head this series is Lit????
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Amei, nota 2
Vamos lá, mais uma resenha de série antiga. Essa é de 2016, e traz como bônus alguns meninos de Love sick e Make it rigth, como Ohm, Toey, White, Boom, Jo, Plan e Film. Inicialmente, a história começa com um aparente suicídio de uma aluna que pretendia ser a nova rainha da escola, uma escola só para meninas, que sem motivos justificáveis (pelo menos para mim) recebe alunos homens após esse trágico incidente. A presença dos meninos deixa as meninas em polvorosa e surge uma guerra de popularidade entre elas que envolve o coração de um deles (curiosamente, o considerado mais feio e pobre). Esse é o plot central, além da constante guerra entre as duas rainhas da escola, Pin e Violin, e suas seguidoras. Inicialmente achei elas más, superficiais e fúteis, meninas mimadas querendo o mundo aos seus pés. Quando entendi o contexto familiar de Violin, comecei a entender que ela sofria uma pressão gigantesca para ser a melhor, e era constantemente comparada com sua irmã, uma modelo de sucesso. Já a família de Pin exige dela perfeição em todos os aspectos, impondo padrão de beleza, alimentação, conhecimentos, sem dar a ela a chance de fazer nada que goste, nunca constante disputa tóxica. O que se percebe é que ambas só querem ser adolescentes normais, sem tanta pressão por parte da família.A história começa razoavelmente bem, apesar de não ser claro o motivo da presença dos meninos, mas após os primeiros episódios ela fica muito confusa. Após o acidente da Gale, as coisas vão mudando a cada episódio, mudando o foco do suspeito e do que realmente aconteceu. Uma coisa bem estranha, é que os alunos que não são do núcleo principal e funcionários parecem não se importar com as mortes e atentados, todos seguem felizes e despreocupados. A série mostra até mesmo uma possível prostituição de uma jovem com um homem adulto, mas ninguém parece se importar com nada (ignorando o fato que era com o pai de uma colega, já que ela não sabia desse detalhe). Sem falar na prática de violência física, que é constante, as tapas doem até em mim, terapia pra todo mundo nessa série.
Sobre o final, uma negação! O mistério, que é o "trunfo" da série, acaba não sendo resolvido completamente. Fica definido que foi suicídio, e a segunda morte foi esquecida no churrasco. E wtf, até esse ponto fica definido o culpado pelos atentados, e por sinal é bem estranho que os alunos sejam tão solidários com o culpado, a ponto de mensagens carinhosas e bons desejos, que personagens sem noção, que roteiro mais maluco! Depois dos créditos vem uma cena que simplesmente esbagaça o resto, onde até mesmo o culpado confesso pelos atentados, passa a não ser mais culpado, ou seja, nada foi resolvido.
O fofíssimo casal BL, além de que o desenvolvimento deles é bem fraco, acabam prejudicados pelo plot dos atentados, mas é lindo que um não abandone o outro.
A atuação é fraca, os atores quase todos em início de carreira. A ambientação também é praticamente apenas a escola. A única coisa que me parece coerente é a ost, mas o resto, nada faz sentido. Não perderia meu tempo vendo de novo, mas não deixo de indicar séries antigas, fica a critério do possível telespectador gostar ou não.
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