"Tsugaru" tells the story of a 100-year-old-diner in Amori prefecture and the family that runs the eatery. Yoichi is the successor to the family restaurant. He has had clashes with his father over the restaurant as well as a love/hate relationship with the town itself. (Source: AsianWiki) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 津軽百年食堂
- Also Known As: Tsugaru Hyakunen Shokudo
- Screenwriter: Aoyagi Yumiko
- Screenwriter & Director: Omori Kazuki
- Genres: Food, Drama
Cast & Credits
- SaoriToyoSupport Role
- Kato KazukoAsao MiokoSupport Role
- Ibu MasatoOmori TetsuoSupport Role
- Osugi RenAsao DaisukeSupport Role
- Fukuda SakiTsutsui NanamiSupport Role
- Nakata AtsuhikoKenji OmoriSupport Role
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