Based on the true-life story of a Korean fighter named Choi Bae Dal (who later changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama), the founder of Kyokushin Karate in Japan. Young karate prodigy Oyama denounces martial arts after killing a gang leader in a bar fight and goes to work on a farm. But later, when an assassin is hired to stop Oyama from re-entering the world of martial arts, Oyama must take revenge. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: けんか空手 極真無頼拳
- Also Known As: Karate Bear Fighter , Fighting Karate-Brutal Ultimate Truth Fist , Karate Bullfighter , Champion of Death , kenka karate gokushinken
- Director: Yamaguchi Kazuhiko
- Screenwriter: Nakajima Nobuaki, Kakefuda Masahiro
- Genres: Action, Historical, Drama, Martial Arts
Cast & Credits
- Sonny Chiba Main Role
- Narita MikioRyukiMain Role
- Kayashima NarumiNishina YukieSupport Role
- Nakajima YutakaSumikoSupport Role
- Takigawa YumiChiyakoSupport Role
- Kondo HiroshiYamamoto KotaroSupport Role
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