A story revolving around an unlikely group of friends who gather together on a journey to vanquish evil. They are comprised of a half-god and half-demon, a demon hunter and the sacred maiden of the demon tribe. After getting in deep trouble because of his painfully stubborn and headstrong personality, Zhong Kui is banished from the heavens to live as a human with no memories of his past. In pursuit of his real identity, he crosses paths with Yang Ren Zhi and Ling Xi who join in his travel to become faithful allies. Even without his powers, Zhong Kui as Mu Tian Ran relies on his intelligence and wit to better their odds. However, the group gets caught in the center of a conspiracy that could turn them against each other. (Source: chinesedramainfo) Edit Translation
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Cast & Credits
- Yang Rong Main Role
- Madina Memet Main Role
- Allen TingLord Yang Zi BoSupport Role
- Fu JiaLord Yang Si Zhong [Ren Zhi's father]Support Role
Good to watch.
This drama is surprisingly enjoyable. Not a Top tier production but fun to watch. Cast is not bad. Yang Rong is the star of this drama. If anyone is out for romance, sadly that is not the focus. It is more about friendship.There is a range of character development. I do find William rather annoying and over acting at times but it is not for long. I do enjoy the side stories and the pairing of those love birds. The story sequencing is quite smooth. Editing is not great at parts but it is still easy to follow the story. Downside 55eps is too long. The lead character is really not the most outstanding person, too mediocre. To be a Zhong Kui reincarnate is a bit of a insult. They should not use Zhong Kui name as the title.
But there are Harry Potter moments(Dont they all now), Cooking competitions, even monopoly game! I enjoy those surprises. Will I watch it again, I may when I have the time. But it is a good to watch drama but not a must watch drama.