Chul Min, known as "Mutt Boy" due to his rough childhood, lives with his father, the town's chief investigator, and his half-bred dog. After his dog is stolen and eaten by his high school soccer team, Chul Min seeks revenge but is stopped by his father. Years later, having dropped out of school, he’s challenged by street bandits and defeats them, joining the MJK boys. When his friend Big Dough is beaten by thugs working for Mr. Oh Duk Man, Chul Min begs his father to intervene, but is ignored. Taking matters into his own hands, he confronts Oh Duk Man’s thugs, discovering that the leader is Jin Mook, the one who ate his dog. Chul Min fights for vengeance but ends up arrested. In a final showdown with Jin Mook, they battle in a brutal, life-or-death confrontation. (Source: MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 똥개
- Also Known As: Ddong Gae ,
- Screenwriter & Director: Kwak Kyung Taek
- Genres: Drama
Cast & Credits
- Jung Woo Sung Main Role
- Uhm Ji WonKim Jeong AeSupport Role
- Kim Gab SooLeader Cha [Cheol Min's father]Support Role
- Hong Ji YoungSoon JaSupport Role
- Lee Hwan[Police officer in jail]Support Role
- Lee Sang HoonDae DdeokSupport Role