Yuukai Rhapsody follows a man who is stuck in a rut, no personal life and no cash lead him to the drastic decision of kidnapping a rich boy, unbeknownst to him the boy's father is a yakuza boss! With the yakuza and the police hot on his tail he is forced to take the boy and go on the run, somehow during the journey kidnapper and kidnappee begin to develop a friendship with one another. (Source: AsianMediaWiki) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 誘拐ラプソディー
- Also Known As: Yukai Rhapsody
- Screenwriter: Kurosawa Hisako
- Genres: Drama
Cast & Credits
- Takahashi Katsunori Main Role
- Aikawa Sho Support Role
- Bengal Support Role
- Masuda ShuichiroShoSupport Role
- Sugata Shun Support Role
- YOU Support Role
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