Ito Kaiji moves to Tokyo after graduating from high school. Unable to find a job and frustrated with society at large, Kaiji spends his days gambling, vandalizing cars, and drinking booze. Two years later and his life no better, a debt collector named Endo arrives to collect money. The debt collector then offers two choices to Kaiji: spend 10 years paying off your loan, or board a gambling boat for one night to repay your debt and possibly make a whole lot more. Meanwhile, the unscrupulous Endo is actually conning Kaiji, believing he won't come back from the voyage. Kaiji is then up for the night of his life. ~~ Adapted from the manga series Gambling Apocalypse :Kaiji By:Nobuyuiki Fukumoto Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: カイジ 人生逆転ゲーム
- Also Known As: Kaiji: The Ultimate Gambler , Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji
- Screenwriter: Omori Mika
- Director: Sato Toya
- Genres: Thriller, Psychological
Cast & Credits
- Fujiwara Tatsuya Main Role
- Amami YukiEndo RinkaSupport Role
- Kagawa TeruyukiTonegawa YukioSupport Role
- Yamamoto TaroFunai JojiSupport Role
- Matsuyama KenichiSahara MakotoSupport Role
- Mitsuishi KenIshida KojiSupport Role
Hmm.. Though, Endo made the best business at th end.
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I enjoyed the story. It's a combination Liar Game (Japanese drama) and 1984 (George Orwell). A secret world unfolds as a people are pitted against one another. I didn't find the the story to be predictable, but there was a slow part in the middle that made me want to fast-forward.
Generally, the main actors all over acted with the exception of Yuki Amami. Lots of screaming, crying, banging of fists, etc. This was the major downfall of the film in my opinion. I debated giving it a 4 or 5. However, I decided on 5 because the overacting did not inhibit my ability to enjoy the film, and I generally think that Japanese actors tend to overact.
The music was nice. It fit the feel of the movie. There were definitely some songs I will look up.
Overall, it's an enjoyable movie, but not a "must see before you die" film. People who liked Liar Game or The Quiz Show will probably like this movie.
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