Seemingly wimpish medical student Ogata Akira, later Ogata Koan, who was born to a samurai family yet lacks the fighting spirit, solves crime cases with a help of Sakon, a mysterious girl disguised as samurai belonging to an independent underground vigilante group. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 浪花の華〜緒方洪庵事件帳〜
- Also Known As: Naniwa no Hana , Naniwa no Hana ~Ogata Koan Jikencho~ , Flower of Naniwa , Naniwa no Hana ~Koan Ogata's Case Files~ ,
- Screenwriter: Maekawa Yoichi
- Director: Katsuta Natsuko
- Genres: Historical, Mystery
Cast & Credits
- Kubota Masataka Main Role
- Kuriyama Chiaki Main Role
- Miyauchi Atsushi Support Role
- Kataoka Ainosuke VI[Narrator]Support Role
- Ikeuchi HiroyukiWakasaSupport Role
- Manda HisakoOsadaSupport Role
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